Nova took Eliza's harsh words as nothing more than a desperate last stand.

With a smirk, she said, "Casper is the kingpin in Falconridge. He decides who gets played and who gets discarded. And who do you think you are? Just a cast-off wife from high society, a woman with a tarnished reputation kicked to the curb. Do you really know your place? It's all about evidence. You claim Robin didn't assault me, but where's your proof?"

That was the crux of it.

Eliza had no proof. She was in such a vulnerable position. However, she couldn't let herself fall into the trap of trying to prove a negative.

"Where's your evidence? Do you think the police will believe whatever you say just because of some underwear?"

"That's the police's problem, not mine," Nova sneered, biting off a hangnail. "You better start worrying about yourself, Eliza. How can the sister of a rapist expect to hold her own in a company like ours? We don't just hire anyone."

First, Nova stole her design drafts and then spread slanderous rumors about her being a rapist's sister on the company's internal network. Such a shameless person should have been thrown into a manure pit at birth.

Eliza's gaze darkened as it fell on a kitchen knife nearby.

Nova continued her infuriating tirade, "You're just trash. Your entire family deserves to live in the abyss, fall into the deepest pit of hell, never to be reborn."

"If you can't find a job after leaving Welton International, I could hook you up with some club hosting. You could make a living off your youth for a few years. And since you can't have kids, men will love it— there'll be no need for protection, double the pleasure."

Nova was thoroughly enjoying her rant. She failed to notice that Eliza had already picked up the knife, raising it high.

late that her mobility was hindered; she could only scream and

a pair of strong hands

turned in shock. It was

firm. The knife fell to the ground with a

company and want to commit murder in

Nova peeked


of Casper's hold on Eliza's wrist, and lunged at her.

quickly pulled Eliza behind him, putting

plunged straight into his

Eliza's eyes

in shock; she dess so, for Casper to t evenected Nova to attack and y


She was completely stunned.

eyes were filled with horror, and she fainted, losing

was also frozen in

Dillon tried to stem the flow of blood from Casper's wound, hoping to slow the bleeding. "It's going to be okay. It

complexion grew paler, and his breathing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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