Rose was technically alive, with her heart still beating, but for all intents and purposes, she was gone. Aaron called Eliza, urging her to make the heartbreaking decision to take Rose off life support and end her suffering. Reluctantly, Eliza agreed.

But the day before they were supposed to disconnect the machines, something unimaginable happened-Rose was stolen. The only logical reason for taking a brain-dead patient was to harvest her organs. Eliza wasted no time and went straight to the police, naming Nova as the suspect.

Nova had just finished giving her statement in the interrogation room when Casper stepped in to take her home. Eliza, seething with anger, blocked their way. "You can't just leave! Nova, where did you take my mom? How many more terrible things are you planning to do before you stop?"

"Why can't I leave if the police said I could?" Nova clung to Casper's arm, playing the victim. "Casper, look at how aggressive Eliza is. She's always misunderstanding me. You know I'm too scared to do what she's accusing me of."

"Nova, cut the act. You weren't this weak when you tried to stab me," Eliza shot back, her eyes blazing as she marched up to Nova. "Tell me, where's my mom?"

"How could she have kidnapped anyone? She doesn't even have a place to stay," Casper defended Nova, pushing Eliza aside. "Do you have any proof?"

"What kind of person is she? You saw her with the knife. She's not scared of anything!" Eliza felt utterly helpless but clung to Nova's arm. "Did you do this with someone else? Because I didn't agree, you went and stole her, didn't you?"

arms. "Casper, it wasn't me, I swear...

enough! Just tell me

victim even

His strength sent her stumbling back until

moved to help her, but Nova clung to him, sobbing. "Casper... my

helped Eliza to a chair. Casper took the opportunity to

we won't let the

worries, Sitting on the steps outside the police station, she felt utterly lost. This had to be connected to Nova. Her gut feeling couldn't be

park, her body swollen and unrecognizable. She also had several unsewn wounds. They took her to

rushed to the

see her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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