Eliza's cooperation left him feeling deeply satisfied. He couldn't seem to get enough of her, pulling her close again and again, losing count after the third or fourth time. Afterward, he didn't leave her to shower like he usually did. Instead, he held her tight, smothering her with kisses for what felt like forever before finally letting her go.

From that day on, the smile that had long been absent from Eliza's face started to reappear. Though it wasn't as carefree as it used to be, at least to Casper, it was a huge improvement. She stopped talking about divorce and didn't push back as much. To him, this was a big deal.

Her pearl earrings found their way back to her earlobes, a small but significant change. Casper felt a sense of relief and began to loosen his grip on her, giving her a bit more freedom.

She took advantage of this newfound space and arranged to meet Chelsea and Aaron at a quiet, private club.

"Let's stick to the plan we discussed," she said softly but firmly. "Aaron, I'm really sorry for dragging you into this mess."

A flash of complicated emotion crossed Aaron's eyes. "Don't apologize. No one wanted things to turn out this way. It's all Casper's fault..."

Chelsea took Eliza's hand, her excitement palpable. "His engagement party is the day after tomorrow. Can you go through with it? Are you sure?"

"Yes," Eliza nodded. This was her last shot. Only if she 'died' and disappeared from his world could she truly be free.

"I've already prepped the house in Oak Falls," Chelsea said, having covered all bases. "Eliza, I can't wait to see you start afresh."

every tiny detail," Aaron added, hopeful. "I believe everything

Thank you, Aaron," Eliza said, filled with anticipation. She was ready for the day she'd


upcoming engagement party. Eliza sat in the taxi, looking wistfully at the dreamlike venue, letting out a soft sigh. She had stolen Nova's happiness but

switched into her slippers and headed upstairs, planning to catch

door, she was suddenly overwhelmed by a barrage of kisses, like a storm catching


other. He didn't give her

his breath heavy, their noses

blinked her moist eyes. "I just

"I missed you today."

constantly battling the urge to call her. He'd dial

and came

and he kissed her forehead.

am a bit

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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