"How heartless can you be? I've never stood anyone up." Casper's lips hovered just inches from hers. "I'm not like you, Ms. Valerie. You knew Robin and I were waiting and chose to ignore us completely. That's hardly charming." He was twisting the truth-that was Casper for you.

Eliza eyed him with a cool indifference, a smirk tugging at her lips. "Seems like your memory is slipping with age, Mr. Casper. When did I ever agree to meet you? When did this supposed stand-up happen?"

"That's beside the point. What matters is that you didn't show up, which put me in a horrible mood."

His nose finally brushed against hers.

She turned her face to the side, dodging him. "And what do you plan to do about it?"

"How about you spend the night with me, and we call it even?"

A playful grin spread across his face. Eliza raised her hand, ready to slap him, but he caught her wrist firmly. "Ms. Valerie, that's not very nice."

"I have no quarrel with you. Why are you humiliating me? Is it just because I resemble your late wife? Or is it that you were so used to mistreating her that seeing someone who looks like her brings out your need to dominate?" She thought her words would at least embarrass him.

Instead, he smirked, nodding slightly. "You're right. I won't let any woman who looks like my late wife get away, especially someone who looks exactly like her, Ms. Valerie."

"Val..." Aaron's voice echoed from outside.

heard some noise from the men's restroom and walked in. "Val, you in

her mouth. "You wouldn't want your boyfriend to

jump to conclusions. But if he knew you were messing with

chuckled. "Am I


her up. "I suppose you prefer to avoid

the door. "Why are you shouting?

you doing here?"

can't I use

more words

Casper put Eliza down. "I really went out of my way for you,

sentence, "...shameless? I can

and he bent down to kiss her lin He seemed to release


strong body pinned her against the wall,

He released her,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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