"Stop acting like a baby," Avery said in a low and gentle voice as she wiped down Elliot's face. "Do you think I want to care for you like this? You stink of booze... Aren't you a clean freak? Was that all an act? I wouldn't even bother helping you if your legs weren't still recovering." 2

The sound of her voice calmed Elliot's breathing, and he was overcome by a sudden wave of drowsiness.

Her voice was like a hypnotic lullaby.

Once Avery finished wiping Elliot down, she pulled the covers over him and tucked him in.

By the time she cleaned up in the bathroom and returned to the bedroom, he was already fast asleep.

She finally let out a huge sigh of relief.

She sat down on the edge of the bed and glanced around the room. 2

The memory of how her every move was monitored and recorded by surveillance cameras for the first three months she was there sent a shudder down her body. 1

The cameras were probably gone by now.

Elliot was erratic and bad-tempered, but he was not a pervert.

Avery got up and retrieved her pillow and blanket from her room.

up several times during the

notice that there was someone else in

up spending

morning sun crept in through the

on the bed. Her arm rested on his chest, her slender leg wrapped

splitting headache woke him up and that was when he noticed Avery's peaceful face right next to him. A strange feeling

a minute after he had opened

slowly opened as well.

eyes met, sparks of embarrassment

but they were much more focused

thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and

whole thing and slowly raised her leg off of his. 3 "You're looking well-rested. Did you have a good night's sleep?"

leg froze in

her leg away, then changed the subject and said, "You didn't take a shower last night. Aren't you going to have one?"

words rescued her from the

out of bed and walked into the

out of sight, Avery picked up her pillow and blanket and

That was close!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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