Chapter 387 Zoe cried loudly. "Avery! I have never seen such a shameless woman like you! You twist facts and blame it on me! You said that I did it. Why would I be so crazy to do that!" "Yes! You are crazy!" Avery calmly looked at Zoe, who was still putting on a show. " You don't have to be smug. Your act will be exposed one day." "What act! Avery! Tell me! What act?!" Zoe pounced on Avery. Avery swerved toward Elliot and avoided Zoe. She did not want to fight with a lunatic nor get her hands dirty. Elliot gave her a cold glance and blocked Zoe. "Zoe, you're in the hospital!" he reminded her. "I still have unfinished business with her. You will set aside your feud!" Then, he grabbed Avery's arm and headed to the elevator! Zoe watched them leave, and she immediately stopped crying! Although it was all an act, she had really wanted to hit Avery. Cole silently walked over and growled," Zoe, I think you and I are not a match. I can't keep up with your viciousness." Zoe looked around and saw no one, so she retorted, "You're calling me vicious? Do you think you're a saint? You're the one who killed your grandmother! Not me!" "Your words mean nothing. If you didn't constantly put thoughts in my head while in bed-" "If you're a good person, do you think I could persuade you? Cole, as things are, there is no way back! Let's not talk about this in the future! Your grandmother has died. The dead can't talk! All we need to do is sit tight and watch!" Zoe quickly regained her composure. "Your uncle won't let go of Avery that easily." Cole said, "I have no feud with Avery. She is my ex-girlfriend!" Zoe raised her eyebrow. "Oh? Do you still care for her? Then go plead with your uncle. Tell him that you were the one who pushed your grandmother!" Cole's expressions suddenly stiffened. He looked behind Zoe with fear in his eyes. Zoe followed the direction of his gaze and turned around. Slap! Henry slapped Zoe in the face. "You vile b*tch!" Henry did not think that they had killed his mother. At that moment, grief gripped him. "Why did you kill my mother and poison my son's mind!" Zoe clutched her face and secretly suppressed her anger. She tasted blood. The slap had caused a trickle of blood to seep from the corner of her mouth. She looked at Henry viciously! Cole was the one who did it, why did he not slap Cole? "Hehe!" She could not challenge the Fosters as she was, so she had no choice but to endure. "Dad, I'm sorry!" Cole knelt to the ground. "I was the one who did it. Please don't tell Uncle Elliot. If you tell him, he will definitely kill me! I made a mistake. I shouldn't have let this woman talk me into it-" Henry lifted his leg and kicked his son brutally. "I would rather have a dog than have you as a son! F*ck off! Leave the Fosters! You are not allowed to come back without my approval!" Cole was scared to death. He immediately fled. Zoe followed after him. Henry's e.

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