Chapter 757

However, there were individual photos of Shea.

At the time, Elliot was also just a four-year-old child. Even if he was smarter than others his age, he still

would not be able to do anything about wanting his sister to be a part of the family portrait.

Avery guessed that Elliot's father was the main reason behind the fact that Shea was left out of the

family register. He could not accept having a mentally disabled child.

Otherwise, he would not leave his own daughter out of their family portraits.

Avery continued to look through the photos. When she turned a new page, she saw a photo of Elliot at

five years old.

Looking at a five-year-old Elliot felt like she was looking at him now, but something did not feel right.

Her heart tightened in her chest as her hands began to tremble.

Elliot did not look like this when she was looking at the earlier photos, but the five-year-old Elliot was

obviously him!

Avery turned back to the earlier pages and tried to find photos of Elliot at four years old, but could not

find any!

clearly remembered seeing individual photos of him

backwards ... There were no individual photos


was only a photo of

that photo and compared it with

were clearly not

photos of him at three and four years old made it look like there was

much larger difference?

of him between the ages

What happened in between?

in and

to the door and

her eyes, then asked,

you think about Shea?"

Avery nodded her head.

Elliot would be upset if something happened to either Shea or

a peaceful =e-;XKS: healthy

go to

completely dark outside by six in

ask when he would be home, but he

not answering, Avery. You should have something to eat first," said

"Didn't you say you still had to go to the hospital

responded, then picked up her

was about to begin dinner, a car horn came through

Cooper rushed to the front door to take a look, then hurried back to the dining

"Master Elliot's home, Avery!"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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