Chapter 1389

"You did well on that task | had you do, Elliot," Gary said cheerfully when he saw Elliot. "By the way, how was the discussion with Edward and Ted? | believe they already approached you?"

Elliot nodded. "| have met with them. Their initial consensus was that Mickey and Julian's assets—"

"Those are mine! The assets belonging to Mickey and Julian are already mine! | bought it from their widows at a reasonable price, and | did so legally!"

After Mickey and Julian’s death, Gary unscrupulously bought their property at a very low price. It was ostensibly a buyout, but in truth, it was an outright robbery. Edward and Ted ended their friendship with Gary because of that!

They could care less if Gary used such underhanded methods to deal with outsiders, but Mickey and Julian were comrades from the same alliance. How could he take their property all for himself? Even if they wanted to take their property, they should split it with each other. Gary had no right to be taking all of it for himself?

Besides, Mickey and Julian were killed in the course of helping to settle Christopher's mess, which made it even more abhorrent that Gary did something like that for the sake of profits!

part of the industry to the state treasury, and another third should be given to public welfare, which leaves the remaining one-third to us." Elliot was afraid that Gary would

even if it's just a small portion of the profit!" Gary said with a cold face and gritted his

a compromise, we'll be the ones who'll end up on the losing end. Taking a step back

He was starting to crave his cigars.

immediately lit a cigar and gave it


to smoke? I'm just going to smell it." Gary held the cigarette in his hand. "With your help, the Goulds’ fortunes would soar, and | want to live to

finished burning, he

narrowed his foxlike

successful, but she's feeling down." "What's wrong with her?" Gary asked even

Jed Hutchi neurologi twhqmmsh€datied over justo t them operate on her. He was killed in the early morning of the day of her operation." Please

mockingly. "I killed him." Elliot suppressed all his emotions and asked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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