"Ruby, don't worry, Midas Enterprises will still be yours when your father dies. We won't hurt or bully you. | kidnapped Elliot with your Uncle Ted for your good. Your dad is being hostile to Elliot now, and he will never delegate authority to Elliot again. Maybe one day he'll kill Elliot too. If you want to live happily ever after with Elliot, your father must die.” "No... I can't... | can't hurt my dad... He treats me well..." Ruby cried out aloud. "Your dad treats you well? Are you kidding me? Your dad has never thought of passing down the inheritance to you." Edward smiled contemptuously, "Don't think it's unbelievable that I let you kill your dad. You Dad has a brother, and you may have never heard of him. That's because your father had killed his brother, and only then did he get the Goulds’ property from your grandfather and set up the Midas Enterprises." Ruby's face turned pale because she could not believe what she had heard. "If you don't kill your dad, your dad may give Paul some of his property. Don't be fooled by how much Paul likes you. He was only pretending to be affectionate just to get you and your family's property! The Powell family will embezzle the Goulds' property when your father dies!" Soon, Ruby felt that the world around her had turned pitch black. Shortly after that, the nanny returned to the living room after she had checked the security footage. Ruby was sitting on the sofa, clutching the phone, while her body was slightly shivering. "Ma'am, I've checked the CCTV footage. Elliot went out at two o'clock in the morning. He answered a phone call and went straight out." The nanny told Ruby everything she saw on the footage, "I don't know who called him, but there must be something wrong with him, talking on the phone in the middle of the night.” However, Ruby turned a deaf ear to the nanny and sat still. Then, the nanny comforted Ruby, "Ma'am, don't worry. Maybe it was just that his phone was out of battery. I'm sure he'll come back later." Ruby bewilderingly shook her head, "I'm a little hungry... I'll grab something to eat first." "Okay. Don't worry, Ma'am. | don't think anything will happen to Mr. Foster. Even if he really wants to leave you, he will definitely make it clear to you. After all, he is a decent person..." "Can | have a moment of silence, please?" Ruby said hoarsely, "I'm a little thirsty. Get me a glass of water." "Okay." After she had an unpalatable breakfast, she received a call from Paul. She almost lost her soul when her phone rang because she thought Edward's men had rung the doorbell. "Ruby, when are you coming? Your father has just mentioned you," Paul asked.

"Oh...I'l be there soon," Ruby quickly adjusted her emotions ; *=T (1) joi riod Ho shEenG today?" "As A ut he's been unhappy because of Elliot." Please read the original content at NovelFire.Org. "Paul, do you hate Elliot?" asked Ruby.

moment's silence, he answered indignantly, "Of cogreg! fit re forhimyobwou d be my Bf fe you know how much | like you, don't you?!" Please read the original content at NovelFire.Org. "Paul, stop being so disgusting! If |

wouldn't! If Gary Gould's daughter were an ugly woman, you would still say you like her." Ruby sighed heavily, "Paul, | n't sleep!) is ast tight. NEE to argue you. The nanny has boiled soup today, but it's not cooked yet. I'll bring some when the soup is ready." "Okay, Ruby. | know that your life after marriage is unhappy. You could scream or even scold me! | promised you | wouldn't be angry,” Paul tried to coax Ruby. Please read the original content at NovelFire.Org. Then, she hung up the phone. If Elliot had not been kidnapped and she had not been threatened, she would not have

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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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