She wanted to head to the airport right away and get on the first flight leaving for Ylore, but she stopped herself from acting on such thoughts. She had to talk to her daughter first, or Layla would be devastated. The past Avery would have dropped everything and run to Ylore, but she could not do that anymore. All the things she had gone through these past few months had made her realize that she could not act on feelings. She could not neglect others and the same applied to her children and Elliot. The next morning, Avery got up early and went to wake Layla up. "Layla, your dad is hurt so | need to see him, " she said while sitting by the bed. "This time, I'm going to bring him back." Layla blinked dazedly, unable to react. "Oh... "My plane leaves later, so | will be leaving for the airport once | see you to school,” said Avery. "Uncle Mike will stay here once | leave. You can tell him or Uncle Eric if anything happens—" "What?! Mommy, you are leaving?" said Layla, completely awake. "Yes. Your dad is hurt." "Why is he hurt? Is it bad?" Layla asked worriedly. "I don't know yet. | guess I'll find out once I'm there." Avery took out some of Layla's clothes and said, "Don't worry, the bad guy is dead so | won't be in any danger.” "Gary Gould is dead?!" Layla exclaimed. "Yeah! Who told you that name?" "Uncle Mike did." Layla's mood lightened in an instant. "That bad guy is finally dead! Does it mean that | can go to Ylore as well, Mommy?" "Haha, you need to go to school, darling!" Avery helped Layla out of her pajamas and helped her into her dress. "There is nothing fun there. Once | am there, | will bring your dad back and we will never step foot in that place ever again.” "Mm-hm! Remember to video call me every day, though!" "Of course. | miss you and your brother." Once she saw Layla off, Avery returned to her room to pack. Mrs. Cooper carried Robert into the room. "Avery, isn't it dangerous for you to go there?" Mrs. Cooper was concerned. "No. Gary is dead now," she said. "He only has one daughter, ;e$:XKT; she is Elliot's wife, Ruby Gould. I've seen her, and she is just a naive little girl. I'm not afraid of her." "Still, be prepared for the worst." "With Gary's death, countless people would be after the Goulds" wealth. Ruby has enemies everywhere right now, and if she tries to attack me, | can get Nick to help me, " Avery said thoughtfully. "Okay. Remember to call home once you arrive." "Sure." Avery finished packing and got ready to head out. Robert watched his mother and seemed to have realized something. "Mommy! Boo-hoo!" he screamed. He struggled to get down and ran toward Avery, wrapping his hands around her leg.

Avery instantly lost her composure. She smiled as she tried 10 comfort | bypieaté Velie up in her Anica she knew it. Please read the original content at NovelFire.Org.

into his eyes." Mommy is going to bring Daddy back. Please read the original content at NovelFire.Org. Once we come back, both of us will play with you, okay?" Robert pouted and wrapped his arms around her neck,

onto her son and went to open a PECL of Nic 3, 'Beayood a tpg WISH ome and jae you soon.

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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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