Avery scowled when Nick spoke about Ruby's pregnancy. "Nick, do you know whose child she is pregnant with? Is it Elliot's?" "How would | know? It's not like | set up cameras around their bed!" Nick walked outside and said, "Why don't you just ask Elliot that when you see him?" "He told me that Ruby had gone to the sperm bank and made her choice there." "So why are you still asking if the baby is Elliot's?" "Ruby told us that the baby is Elliot's when she had taken his call, and she did not sound like she was lying. My daughter was so angry that she burst into tears." Avery followed Nick into the car. Nick did not think much of it. "Once she gives birth, we will know if it's Elliot's." "I don't think that Elliot would lie to me, but | also don't see the point of Ruby creating such a poor lie. We won't even need her to give birth to find out who the father is," Avery said and Nick froze. "How soon can we check?" "Amniocentesis can be performed when the mother is three months pregnant.” "Oh. | think Ruby's baby is almost that old." Avery did not respond. If Ruby dared suggest that her baby was Elliot's, Elliot would definitely run a DNA test on the child. The biggest issue at hand was how severe Elliot's injury was. For a while, Nick drove in silence. "I will enter the hospital alone. If | see Elliot, then there is no need for you to enter the hospital.” "But | want to see him.” "I thought you only wanted to check on him? Seeing him will do nothing but anger Ruby. If he is conscious, | will tell him that you are here. If he is unconscious, then there is no need for you to enter.” "But what if | can treat him?" said Avery. "If he is that severely injured, the doctors here might not have the skills to cure him." "Fine. | will check out the place first." "How, exactly?" Avery was concerned that he might not be able to get inside. Nick narrowed his fox-like eyes and said," By lying." Avery stared at him blankly. Once they arrived at the hospital, Nick discovered the floor Elliot was on, :g$= UNU? he immediately went upstairs. The elevator door opened when he arrived at the floor, and as soon as he stepped out of the elevator, two bodyguards stopped him.

| benefit the Gould family greatly." Please read the original content at NovelFire.Org. The bodyguard immediately went to inform Ruby, and shortly after, she appeared. "What is it that you have to tell me, Uncle

we are friends; I'm here for Elliot." Please read the original content at NovelFire.Org. Ruby hesitated, and finally, she invited him into the room. The two bodyguards trailed behind them. Once inside, Nick immediately spotted Elliot on the bed. The casual look on his face instantly

will punish him once Elliot gets better. My dad has just away, so | sill pres PU3 help." Ruby sh Sand the couch

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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