"She doesn't look like she is lying," Nick thought. "So, is it true? If it is, this is about to get really interesting." Nick knew that he was supposed to enjoy the show, but his head began to hurt. If Elliot and Avery had confined their fight to Aryadelle, he would not have gotten involved. However, it was becoming apparent to him that they would continue their fight in Ylore, and that would not only concern him but everyone else too. Avery treated him like she would her own brother, and although that had irritated him before, he had grown used to it and was no longer irritated by it. "If you have a child that you can hold over Elliot as leverage, why are you scared of Avery? Just let her stay until Elliot recovers!" Ruby struggled to suppress her anger." Now that you've said it, it's not like | can kill her or something.” "Elliot won't forgive you if you kill her. Don't think that you won't be held responsible no matter what you do simply because you are pregnant with his child. Ruby, you aren't your dad. Even if you manage to kill someone, you are still not him. Forgive me for being straightforward. | just want you to treasure your life instead of throwing it away." Ruby slowly began to calm down. "I know... | know Elliot's limits. I just want him to stay by my side. As long as Avery doesn't take him away from me, | won't hurt her." "What do you mean, take him away? Does Elliot look like a commodity to you?” Nick chuckled. "Once he wakes up, he can go wherever he wants to and there's nothing you can do about it.” "If he wants to leave, will you help him?" Tears welled up in Ruby's eyes. "I won't be the only one to help him. Ted and Edward will help him, too," said Nick studying her. She looked gloomy and sad." You can't place two tigers on the same mountain. Elliot isn't one of us, and he is too formidable. If he stays, Edward and Ted will see him as nothing more than a ticking time bomb. If we can't make him one of us, he will soon become our enemy." Chills ran down Ruby's spine. "In that case, once he leaves, will all of you turn your sights to the Goulds?" "Elliot has already struck a deal with them. The shares your dad took have to be returned. As for Midas enterprises, we promised him that we wouldn't lay a finger on it. You just need to protect the company against outsiders." Ruby lowered her head ;e$?VLU; tears came streaming down her face. "Do you regret killing your father?" Nick asked. "So what if | regret it. It's not like he can come back to life." She turned around. "Ruby, listen to me. Don't cut ties with Paul over Elliot. That way, you will still have Paul if you can't keep Elliot. With Paul around, things will be much easier for you." "l get it."

SrsBle to olpratelthesmel, Jun retreated to the second floor, only to discover that it smelled exactly the same. Please read the original content at NovelFire.Org. Frustrated, he glanced at the sky outside. The sky was growing dark, but Tammy had

Tammy had taken overlynch OI) usirep, endishe Had come home late

a meal with her. Unable to refuse, her schedule was packed for a month straight. She would only be free next month. Please read the original content at NovelFire.Org. Jun would accompany her whenever he had the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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