Chapter 1650

"| spoke with Wesley and Shea today, and we plan to take her embryo out and place it into an artificial womb," she said. "It's a bit expensive and we will need someone to monitor it 24/7, so it will cost more in the months to come."

He nodded. "What are the chances?" "| can't say, but it's better than getting rid of the baby altogether. Shea really wants a child.” "Yeah, it's a great idea. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He felt the pressure on his chest finally lift.

"I'm telling you right now, and | just got back. It's a very important decision, and | wanted to tell you about it in person." He nodded again. "Ben told me you were a little cold to him today when he called you to ask what you needed the money for."

Avery had not expected Ben to be this sensitive. Not only was he sensitive and skeptical, but he seemed to enjoy telling on people.

She shielded her true emotions with a smile. "I haven't even told you about Shea at that point, so how could | tell him about her? It's Shea's private matter, after all."

He completely relaxed at the beaming smile on her face.

“Wesley and Shea wanted to come and apologize to you, but | told them not to," Avery continued. "Shea's pregnancy is supposed to be good news. We don't have to make it look like a tragedy, now, do we?" "Yeah. So long as Shea's life isn’t in any

danger, they don't have to apologize to me."

| was being cold to him?" She could not help but chuckle. "You two always talk about me behind my back. Is that a

to him, so when you refused to tell him why you wanted

as well if someone asked me for that much money without


were changing their shoes when Robert rushed toward them and attached himself to

blurted out hastily while looking up at

him up and cooed gently, "Why would your sister

his finger in the direction of Layla’s room, wanting to go to

Robert's face, Elliot realized that

today. Robert wanted to play with her, but she won't open the door so he's a little upset," Mrs. Cooper came over and

Avery. "I'll go upstairs

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took out his phone to check, before

so maybe she is struggling over something." Elliot strode upstairs to Layla's door and knocked, before calling out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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