Avery was extremely curious. She was eager to see what Tammy had planned.

While she memorised the lyrics on her phone, Tammy informed the staff nearby of the song she was going to sing.

The staff immediately passed the song on to the other staff in charge of music.

"Avery, are you ready?" Tammy had waited for Avery to finish humming a few bars of the melody twice before she asked her question.

Avery nodded. "I should be ready.' Tammy immediately said to the staff, "We can start!" A pleasant song rang through the banquet hall, and the door slowly opened.

The lights in the hall dimmed, a spotlight coming to focus on the doors.

her beautiful voice rang out, "I sing my heart to you, while I'm still young as a flower. Bloom and blossom with all your power! Filling your days with all my chapters..." At first, all was quiet below the stage. Suddenly, someone whistled! Mike's voice cried out, "Such a good singer!" Avery could not help but

you stop fooling around!" Chad stood up and pushed Mike back down

but he doesn't sing for us either. I wonder how he is

she had moved

make out the surrounding guests. She could also see the setup

Elliot was not there, but neither was the host of the

alone on stage, looking rather

something to ease the awkwardness? Just when she had planned to improvise something, eerie

so frightened

was speechless. What was going on? Two men in strange clothes suddenly appeared and grabbed

frightened, her body went et limp The microphone in her hands dropped to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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