There were quite a few countries between the two countries. Even if she took a flight, it would be a long flight.

"Irene, you don't have to help out in the kitchen anymore either. You can return home and rest. You can go to school, too. After all, you have to sit for your exams soon," the butler said. "If you can get into Turlington University, you don't have to return the money you owe me. I know that it was your grandmother's wish, while she was alive, for you to get into a good university."

"Sir, thank you. No matter whether I get into Turlington University or not, I will surely repay you," Irene said gratefully before leaving the Woods' mansion.

Just like the butler said, her exams were coming up. She needed to use the time she had and study.

When she returned to school after her long break, a few of her classmates approached her while she was at her desk.

"Irene, I heard that your grandmother passed away, and you have always been working."

Naturally, it was the teacher who had told her classmates of her grandmother's passing, because Irene had not been to school for a long time. Some of her classmates suspected that she had quit school. "Hmm." Irene did not want to talk about it, but she also understood that everyone was curious.

"Then, don't you need to work anymore?"

work right now. I just need to go there after my afternoon class," said Irene

do? I hear that you're working

no longer felt like answering

at that moment, Irene's teacher came over to get her to

my teacher sent me a set of documents and told me to give them to you. I've printed them for you. Go home and look through them." The teacher handed Irene a stack of neatly printed and stapled

Other than that, Irene did

not have been able to work and return to schoot. Thus, no matter how he treated her, the gratitude she felt

Irene had finished making dinner and waited for Lucas

the Woods' car parked right in front

immediately opened the door of the South Block. She ran over, wanting to help Lucas carry his

have had a whole day of school. You must be tired, right? Let

him. In the end, he

Mr. Lucas, I've

it up, and it is very far away. You're going there alone. If you have any difficulties, you must

his brows. She immediately said, "Mr. Lucas, I know you find me long-winded. I'll stop once I finish." Lucas entered the living room and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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