In Taronia, when the news of Irene's passing reached the Woods family, it did not cause much of a ripple.

After all, Irene was only a servant. She was even an ex-servant.

Ever since Irene left, no one in the Woods family ever mentioned her anymore. It was Sam who received news of Irene's passing because Irene returned him the money that she owed.

"Dad, do you still remember the ugly nanny we had previously called Irene?" Sam brought this up during dinner.

"Of course, I do. Lucas treated her quite well." Mr. Woods glanced at Sam. "Why are you bringing her up? Did she come to look for you?"

Sam shook his head. "She's dead."

The atmosphere at the dining table instantly changed. Although they did not care whether Irene lived or died, they were still shocked by this news.

"How did she die? She was doing just fine. Did she die of disease? I see she is still quite good at her work," Mrs. Woods found it a little unlucky. She secretly prayed that it was not some strange disease.

"I don't know how she died. Today, someone transferred the money that she owed me into my account. They even said that they were paying on her behalf. Then, they told me she died and thanked me for taking care of her previously." Sam felt a little sad when he said that.

"Someone paid on her behalf? Who was it? She didn't have any family, right?"

some charity

also chimed in, "She

that gave you the money also say

butler nodded. "They also said things like

it's too sudden. I heard she even got into Turlington University!" Sam said pitifully, "I'm guessing it's not a sickness. What sickness would happen so quickly? I think it must be

Woods was relieved. "This

earlier she died, she could have had a better life in the next life. So what if she got into Turlington University? When she graduates in the future, she still

talking about this." Mr. Woods suddenly lost his appetite, so he left

not contacted Lucas in a week. It was not because he did not contact Lucas, but because Lucas

Woods knew that there

but Lucas would even return Mr. Woods' call if

calls, he would still call him from time to time. Just like that day. Lucas surely did not know about

Woods called Lucas, wanting to share this piece of news with him, but

Woods could only

the message of Irene's

Irene that would make his son call him on his own

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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