There was no signature.

"Oh, there's no signature on the card so you might need to ask around to see which one of your friends wrote this," Anne continued.

Lucas held onto the card for dear life; even without a signature, he knew that it was from Irene because she was the only one who would call him Mr. Lucas'.

"Isn't Irene dead?" he thought. "When did she write this card? Before she died?"

"Ma'am, do you know how often the feedback box is opened?" he swallowed hard and asked.

Anna shook her head. "I'm not so sure about that. Should I call and ask?"

"Please do."

picked up her phone and called the dean's secretary and

once a month, sometimes once every other month, but I won't leave the box untouched for over three months at a time." The hope that rose within Lucas

if she did so?" he thought. "That has to be it. If she hung it on the tree, I probably wouldn't have seen it." Tears

you crying?" Anna handed him a

of the faculty members or his classmates. Under normal circumstances, he would never share his personal thoughts,

dead," he muttered and

Edelweiss only

never been so rude to her. I should have let her see me off at the airport. Had I known that she didn't have

the trip, Ivy

before admission, Layla returned home to chat with her younger

anyone, but don't worry because you will have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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