She then heard Mrs. Santos' voice.

"Did they find a matching heart for our son? Can he undergo the surgery now?"

"Yes! Dr. Tate said they found one!" Mr. Santos said.

"Oh, I'm so glad! I'll start packing right away. Let's go to Bridgedale!" Mrs. Santos said.

Avery overheard their conversation and could understand why they were excited.

"Mr. Santos, Eric's doctor told me that there's a ninety percent chance that the surgery will succeed," Avery said. "The heart is not a perfect match. Considering Eric's current condition, we can't postpone the surgery any longer. The doctor recommends that we start the surgery as soon as possible as we can't afford to wait any longer, but there are risks. I need to explain everything to you, and it's up to you to decide what to do."

Mr. Santos immediately froze. "That's not what you said before... You said that he will get back to normal once you find a matching heart..." He found it difficult to accept what Avery had said.

Layla, you, and your wife would all have a breakdown, so I made that promise. However, a ninety percent success rate is rather high, and I think it's worth the try." "Is that the only option? Do we have any

keep looking for organs for Eric. There is a chance that we will find an even better match for him, but there's also a chance that we don't..." Avery explained. "I recommend the surgery. Eric has been on the ECMO for too long, and I'm afraid

her about it now." Mr. Santos hurried toward the bedroom with his phone

Santos hesitated for a

go ahead with the surgery! We don't know much about these things... we miss this chance and fail to find another matching heart, our son will diet We've waited long enough for this one. Who knows how long it will take to get another one? A success rate of ninety

inform Avery of their decision, but

the doctor,

heart transplants, the longest lifespan thirty years, and among patients in Bridgedale, the longest a

even if the surgery is a success, my

He might live even longer or he might not. Everyone is different, and the rejection rate

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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