The bodyguard went ahead and opened the door for her.

Before she could change into the slippers, she spotted Elliot sitting on the couch with Eric next to him and she froze.

"Why is Eric here?" She thought. "Did he come here on his own, or did Dad bring him here?"

"Dad," she said and swiftly changed into slippers before striding up to Eric. "Why are you here?"

"I told the driver to bring him here." Elliot glanced at the flowers in Layla's hands. "Who did you buy those for?"

She presented the bouquet to him fawningly. "For you, of course. Dad, why did you bring him here?"

the paperwork for your marriage, and you are not doing it alone." Elliot

to look at Layla in surprise at Elliot's words. He

me that way?" Layla met his eyes. "I said that we will have a wedding half a year from now, but I never

all, it would be hypocritic of him to not marry her after allowing

the coffee table and took a sip of water. "Eric, you are still recovering at the moment and I know that I

lifted an eyebrow. "What rules, Dad? I didn't even know that

daughter a cold look. "An engagement ring is required and he will get down on one knee to ask for

Layla was instantly rendered


your mom was decided by our parents, unlike your current circumstances," Elliot deadpanned.

that she would never get her passport if she refused to do as he said and admitted defeat immediately. "I will go and get the ring right now." "I said that he needs to buy it.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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