This was her first time facing such a scenario since she had returned to her family.

She could sense that something horrible had happened from the way her family was behaving.

"Ivy, come here," Layla said.

"Okay." Ivy set her bag aside and walked over to Layla obediently.

"I will tell her!" Elliot did not want Ivy to misunderstand the situation and wanted to explain everything in his own words in the hopes that that would stop Ivy from bursting out crying like Robert did. Elliot felt extremely guilty for causing his children pain.

"All right! Go on, then," Layla said coldly.

Ivy took note of Layla's tone and realized that Elliot had done something wrong.

"Ivy, someone delivered a baby here today claiming that it's my baby. I can swear that I've not seen another woman apart from your mother, so that baby can't be mine," Elliot said.

Ivy was shaken by all the information and did not know what to do for a moment.

did not know

and needed to see how Avery and her other siblings reacted. S~ᴇaʀᴄh

paternity test,

get out, I want you all to go easy on me. If the results prove that I'm

in shock, more so than he

what Elliot said was reasonable

soft. One look at the baby, and you

not stop herself from looking at the baby, and, with each look, she became more certain that the baby

The baby is here?" Ivy asked

to him." Layla stood from the couch and took Ivy to the

room, they saw the baby sucking on a milk

is so tiny!" Ivy was stunned.

"Mom said that he has been

baby has to have a mother, right?" Ivy walked over to study the baby. However, the baby was suckling

It doesn't matter who the mother is The most important thing is who the father is." Layla's head had been hurting the entire day. "Ivy if our parents get divorced, who will you live with? By the way, Dad

then he has betrayed us all and cannot be forgiven. I am

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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