Chapter 2957

Chapter 2957

"There's wine here, too!" Mr. Taylor's eyes lit up. "Is this for me? You don't drink."

"I guess... Maybe these supplements are for Mom," Shelly said. "I told her that Mom has recently gone through surgery."

"Avery is such a nice person." Mrs. Taylor was moved. "She has sent so many gifts, so you ought to pay her a visit in a few days to thank her, Shelly."

"Mom, even if I do, I can't afford to give them gifts of equal value."

"They don't care what gifts you bring with you. Just be a joy and make them happy. That will do you good," Mrs. Taylor said.

"Alright. It's not like I want to make them hate me on purpose, anyway!" Shelly put the gifts away.

not until a week later that Shelly finally paid the

and she knew that they would be swarmed by relatives who came to

her a few times during that time, asking if she wanted to join them for dinner, but Shelly refused every single time because she could hear all the noise on Avery's end and figured that there were

avoiding Hayden on purpose?" Avery welcomed Shelly enthusiastically. "Hayden starts working

past two

you are avoiding Hayden!" Avery presented Aiden to Shelly. "Look. Aiden has grown up

bigger now!" Shelly's heart melted at the sight of her son. "He is

Everyone says the same thing, and I think so, too!" Avery could not be happier with her grandson. "Are your parents still around?" "They

that's a shame. They must have really wanted to see Aiden as well, and they didn't get a chance to." Avery felt sorry for Shelly's parents. "The next time they visit bring them here to play with

that Avery would take Audrey away from her a few days ago and

why are you so nice?" Shelly asked

Avery handed Aiden over to her. "If you truly think that I'm nice, don't refuse the gift I prepared

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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