Chapter 3091

Chapter 3091

"Wait for me outside," Ivy said to Archer.

The receptionist was taken aback. "You two are together?"

"Yes. He's my friend, and he accompanied me here," Ivy said.

"So, you're here for an interview?" His attitude suddenly became more enthusiastic. "Come in first. Let me check if the hiring manager is available."

"Sure," Ivy said and gave Archer a signal, asking him to leave.

However, the receptionist generously invited him inside as well. "Your friend can also come in and sit. There are no seats outside!"

And so, Archer followed Ivy into Night Technologies.

The receptionist poured a glass of water for each of them, then went to call the hiring manager.

did not

the office," the

Is he

nodded. "Yes, he


even submit a resume; you came straight to the company. Did you bring your resume? If you did, I can pass it to our boss when he

printer here? I

found her a workstation to

"Thank you!" Ivy said.

time, so he stood

"Technical positions."

"I didn't study computer

cleaner, but I'm sure you wouldn't want

his patience after hearing this. Feeling insulted, he said, "Ivy,

can the dignified daughter



remind him to sleep at night, wake him up in the morning, and remind him to eat, among other things. He lacks discipline, you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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