Chapter 3120

Chapter 3120

In her mind, Ivy could not help but wonder if her older brother had purposely sent a beautiful woman to test Lucas.

After Ms. Feake shook hands with Lucas, they both sat down on the sofa.

Ivy took out her phone and sent a message to her sister: [Layla, Hayden intentionally sent an incredibly stunning beauty here. Even I, as a woman, am captivated. He's being so ruthless!] Layla replied with a laughing emoji. [Hahaha! Take a picture and show me! Let's see how beautiful she is!]

Ivy raised her phone, ready to snap a picture of Ms. Feake. Just then, Caspian walked up to Ivy and said, "Ivy, go and get a glass of water for Ms. Feake."

Ivy immediately put away her phone and asked Ms. Feake, "What would you like to drink, Ms. Feake?"

Caspian was a bit surprised. "Do we have anything other than water to offer in the office?"

"I bought some floral tea and premium honey! Caspian, would you like to try some?"

Caspian responded, "Let's serve the clients first!"

"Okay..." Ivy turned to Ms. Feake.

Ms. Feake looked back at Ivy and said, "Water will be fine. Thank you."

you want it hot, cold, or

please," Ms.

going to get two glasses of warm

Feake thanked Ivy politely as she took the water, and Ivy replied,

a smile, Ivy stepped back to

leave the office, Ms. Feake went straight to

developed and thinks you have great potential so he would like to invest

next to

has a discerning eye. Lucas is, indeed,

a smile. "I came here today to convey my father's intentions and also to

immediately gestured to Lucas, indicating that it was his turn to

accept any interference with

Feake nodded again. "Are

it for now,"

took a photo of

sent it to

the photo

you laughing? Do you know

[I don't, but she does look

type that young men

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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