Chapter 0021


In their shabby living room, Patrick felt as though he was struck by lightning, and his mind instantly went blank.

Alexander gifted Donovan a casket instead of the small gold Hygieia statue for his 70th birthday?!

“T–The gold Hygieia is right here,” Susanne’s voice trembled as she pointed to the living room corner, feeling a chill running down her spine.

They were done for!

The small gold Hygieia statue they had carefully saved for, using all their money and Amber’s savings from working at the bathhouse, was meant to make Donovan happy at the celebration. However, Alexander did something completely insane and humiliating!

Donovan must be furious with Alexander.

“Miss Chesire, there must be a misunderstanding,” Patrick said, his voice quivering. “Alexander acted on his own, and Susanne and I didn’t know

anything. Please don’t fire us. W–We’ve worked hard to secure the Severn Group project for Chesire Group for almost half a year! We-”

Zoe’s mocking laughter interrupted Patrick.

Sitting in her grand assistant general manager’s office, she arrogantly said, “Do you really think I don’t know what you’re up to? Do you think the success with Severn Group was your doing? It’s mine! Heck, not only did Alexander send a casket to Grandpa, but he even demanded Herbert and I apologize to Olivia on her birthday!”

Zoe chuckled and added, “Anyway, I can’t be bothered with your nonsense. As of today, you and Susanne are no longer employees of Chesire Group. Get out of my sight!”

Zoe immediately hung up after saying that.

“It’s all over for us…” Patrick slumped weakly into his chair, his face drained of all color as tears slowly slid down his cheeks, following the lines of his wrinkles.

Everything was over. Alexander’s recklessness shattered their half–year–long efforts and their hopes of returning to the Chesire family.



are we going to do now? What are we going to

expelled from the Chesire family, but at least they still had their jobs. With that phone call, however, they lost their only source of income. Without work, there would be no insurance, no retirement

were left with nothing!

found themselves overwhelmed

After some time…

clicked, and the

voice called out to them from the

“Mom, Dad…”

That voice…

and Susanne immediately stopped


been mute for

She was cured!

rushed into Susanne’s arms, crying and laughing, her tears flowing uncontrollably. “My throat is healed, and I can speak! It was Alex! Alex found a flower for me and healed my

them, Alexander entered the room, carrying Olivia. He smiled at Patrick and Susanne. “Mom, Dad, I just

helplessness. They did not hide the complexity of their feelings, but they still tried

slamming the coffee


shuddered, pulling away from Susanne’s embrace and looking

she burst


her mouth, tears streaming down her face. She then turned to look at Alexander and Amber, her voice

You’ve not only hurt Amber,

Susanne continued, “All for retirement benefits, for a secure future, for not causing trouble for Amber, for the sake of our family! Now what? Zoe has snatched the

look at Alexander with quivering lips. It seemed she wanted to


her man,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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