Chapter 0644 The bus thundered down the road, not stopping for anything. In under 30 minutes, they pulled into the heart of Coconut Wind Island, the place everyone raved about— the volcano crater.

It was a whole different scene from their last visit. The place was buzzing with life, dotted with shiny new buildings and jewelry shops at every corner, showing off gems dug up from the depths of the volcano. Each stone was a burst of color, a feast for the eyes.

"We're here!" Alexander parked in the public lot and smilingly announced, "Go have fun, folks! Just remember where we parked. Be back by dusk, and we'll head to the hotel we've booked. Off you go!” With a rustle, the tourists streamed out, each one passing Alexander with a look of thanks. That volcano crater was their main event, everything else was just a sideshow. They could have been milked for every penny by the tour guides, but Alexander, steering clear of any tourist traps, had saved them both time and money. They had every reason to be grateful.

"Kane! n Carson Ramsey was the last to leave the bus, fixing Alexander with a menacing grin. "Enjoy the drive? Just so you know, we're not through with today's drama. Better stay on this bus and keep out of trouble, or

else..." Or else what? Alexander just gave a detached smile, ignoring Carson like he was nothing. He took Amber's hand, her skin soft as silk. With Coral—her cheeks puffed up, probably from some mischief —they all stepped off the bus, ready for adventure.

There was no need to fret over the suitcase left in the car. It was rigged with a GPS tracker and the latest in theft-proof electronic locks. If it ever went missing, they would have it back in no time.

"Think you can just ignore me?" Carson's eyes seethed with venom as he watched Alexander and his friends walk away. He whipped out his phone, fingers flying over the keys as he shot off a text, then stealthily tailed them.

The base of the volcano crater was a hive of activity, with shops crowding every inch of space.

all corners of the globe spilled out of their cars in the public lot. Some clustered around tour guides, others struck out alone, all drawn to the various attractions dotting the volcano

eager for that perfect shot. Meanwhile, the curious meandered through the shops,

mineral treasures.

jade-like hues, intricately carved and polished gems that sparkled like stars, and necklaces strung

"Is that a pearl, ground from minerals? It's stunning..." The visitors audibly expressed their awe. Amber and Coral were no exception, their gazes

not break the bank, but they were unique, a melting

Amber, arm-in-arm with Alexander, lifted a mineral necklace from a stall. It was smooth and polished, with mesmerizing patterns swirling within, the legacy of volcanic fire turned to stone. It was

"You like it?"

on me." Throughout their marriage, he had never sprung for such a trinket. It was not

once-over, then cast a glance at Carson trailing behind. He nodded to himself and beamed as he pitched, "This necklace is crafted from rare minerals found only in the volcanic heart of Coconut Wind Island. You won't find this anywhere else! "Don't let its simplicity fool you. It's got a luster that outshines diamonds and it's as light as a feather. Miss, a beauty like you will dazzle even more!" Necklace fittings were standard fare in the jewelry game. Amber's cheeks flushed with a shy thank you to the vendor before she passed

like a

knockout, no question. With the necklace's glow against her skin, she was a sight that made passersby pause

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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