Chapter 0656 Quinto leaned against the railing of the seaside walkway on Coconut Wind Island, the salty breeze playing across his face.

He checked his watch.

His plan should have been in full swing, Alexander would be six feet under, and Amber and Coral in the clutches of his crew. Soon, his name would be on everyone's lips, outshining the island's top dog, Cloud Tiger. Before long, he would be the one calling the shots.

Cloud Tiger might have been a big shot once, but age had dulled his edge. He was no more intimidating than a tiger with no teeth.

"Quinto!" A man in black bolted toward him, looking terrified. He hit the deck with one knee, stammering, "Boss, I've got urgent news. Your guys... They've all bailed!

+ "They were all doubled over, bleeding...

\ They snagged a couple of speedboats and took off into the night. They wouldn't turn back, no matter how much we yelled!" Quinto's heart skipped a beat. He lunged forward, grabbing the messenger by his shirt, his breath catching in his throat. © © "Run that by me again? That can't be right! "Three Grandmasters, a whole bunch of vital energy-wielding hotshots, and a crew loyal to the bone—vanishing without a peep? They were supposed to § take Alexander by surprise. How could this happen..." The silence was suddenly profound.

A young man, tall and poised, made his way toward me along the moonlit “boardwalk, his steps silent in the heavy night air. He seemed like a shadowy )- specter, a figure of death itself, moving through the darkness.

Even from 20 meters away, the force of his presence was unmistakable, a ¢ palpable energy that they could feel without seeing. } "Kane, Alexander?!" In an instant, Quinto spun around to face the approaching figure, a shiver running down his spine. "It's you, it has to be you! "What did you do to my men? What's happened to them? You... You've taken their power and banished them from Coconut Wind Island?! "How did you manage it? What kind of strength do you possess?! I sent so many against you, and even if you were at the peak of your powers, they should have overwhelmed you, you..." Enough talk.

Alexander's face was a mask of I indifference as he regarded Quinto, his "~ voice detached and aloof. "I don't owe

not from the same world." 4 q He was

albeit a notable one. l However, Alexander was something else entirely. Human in form, yes, but his strength eclipsed that of the greatest ) warriors. He stood on

were on a whole other

a gap too wide to cross, a realm too lofty for

frozen, the weight of those words hitting him hard. He swayed, his ’

It all clicked.

bitter end was inevitable. Alexander was not holding back out of fear; he simply could not be bothered. If he had wanted to,

luck. He looked at

up a fight." With those

wanting to, it was about

immeasurable power, Quinto could not find the will

resist. A crushing sense of helplessness and defeat surged

before a lion, a sparrow facing a dragon— his spirit was under siege,

my hand? You think you're worthy?" Alexander's laugh was soft, almost mocking. "Everything has its purpose, even the most withered plant, the driest leaf,

with no value deserves my attention, let alone my wrath?" Quinto's heart skipped a beat, and he was overcome with

I "= In Alexander's presence, Quinto

fit to die, less than a dry blade of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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