His Found Lycan Luna Chapter 101 

Azalea POV

After we sorted out Peter, Kyson left me with Abbie, Liam and Trey. We headed back to her room to check on Gannon and take Tyson from him so he could meet up with the King and Damian to try to figure out their next 


Kyson was right, and Crux still hadn‘t sent through the tracking information. So now Kyson was having to find another way to obtain it, yet the more I thought of it, the more I believed Crux was taunting us. He knew we had him backed into a corner and was now plotting against us harder than ever. 

I just didn‘t know how he fit into it all, yet I had this nagging feeling I was right. And that everything was connected in some way. “I can‘t believe Kyson let Peter stay,” Abbie says. 

“Not without conditions, and he is to have Dustin with him at all times until we figure out what to do with him.” I tell her with a sigh. It was better than him sleeping in the stables. 

“I just don‘t understand how Ester abandoned him again, and where would she go?” Abbie murmurs. I didn‘t understand it all either. It also baffled Kyson. She fought to have him not killed, only to dump him the first chance she got 

“It‘s almost like he was some pawn to her, saved him for some benefit to herself. She doesn‘t deserve to be a mother,” Abbie tells me, and I stop in my tracks. 

“You‘re right,” I mumble, and my brows furrow as I try to make sense of it. Trey stops running into the back of me when I halt. He grips my arm to steady me, so I don‘t fall over. 

“I know. What mother does that to her son?” Abbie continued. Not realizing I had stopped and was stuck in my own head. 

“Azalea?” Trey murmurs. Abbie‘s footsteps stop when Liam grips her shoulder, pulling her to a stop, and I look between them both as they stare at me, the cogs in my head turning. Ester had access to both Kingdoms. Both Kingdoms were attacked by hunters. 

She had a reason for hating my father when he shunned her while she was pregnant with his son. Yet Marissa was at both Kingdoms too. Although, I know she didn‘t do it. What benefit would she gain by killing her own mate and keeping me hidden? 

is it?” Liam

the only thing that made little sense to me. What would she gain from that, and why did Marissa run afterward?

memory I was given, my mother specifically told Marissa to take me to my mate. So my mother had to know Kyson was my mate before even we knew. She knew I would be safe with him, yet why did Marrissa not hand me over to

about Ester?” Trey asks.

after fighting for him. My father shunning her is what she blames him for. She was also in both kingdoms. She was a part of both kingdoms when the attacks happened,”

Trey thinks for a second, but it is Liam who comes forward next with

Larkin left here,” Liam says, looking

wouldn‘t have known about any of it,‘ I tell him, finding holes

Trey says, but I shake my head.

Azalea. Who else would it

genuine,” I tell him, and Trey

command him to answer,

him,” I

Azalea. Remember what Kyson told you earlier when he agreed

to see past my own desire to see the good in someone,” I answer, and Liam

certain about which side of the fence Peter was on. I hated the idea of hurting him, even though he hurt me. Yet I knew Kyson would manipulate

The King wanted to see Gannon,” Abbie

I wouldn‘t go near Peter without him. I am not breaking that promise and giving him reason to kill Peter before we get answers,” I tell her, and she nods her head before rushing off to find her mate and Tyson. Liam watches her

watching Liam. Now go on; I know Gannon has asked you to keep an eye on her when he isn‘t with her because you linger

more accurate description of my scent. Just ask Dustin. He will happily confirm. But quite right, my Queen, you are observant.” He taunts, and

not observant enough. Look at the mess we are in,” I tell him.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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