His Found Lycan Luna Chapter 108 

Azalea POV 

Dustin had a hold of my arm as I walked down the steps. I kept trying to shake his hand off my arm because he was making walking difficult. I felt fine now that the painkillers had kicked in, and my head didn‘t feel on the verge of exploding and pulsating like someone was throwing a concert inside my skull. 

“Dustin, I am fine,” I tell him. The storm outside had finally blown over, and I could see a few of the servants lingering by the doors as they peered out at the destruction it had caused. When one of the guards moved toward us, we had just reached the bottom of the stairs near the kitchen‘s entry. 

“A tree has crushed the main gates. A few of us will go out with chainsaws to remove it. Damian wants to check the town to see if anyone needs help,” he tells Dustin, who nods, waving him off. We started walking down the corridor toward the ballroom when we spotted Rachel, one of the servant‘s that worked in the kitchen, peering out the enormous windows that ran along it. 

“Bloody storm was wild,” she tells us, turning back to the window. 

“Obliterated the east wing. It will need re...” The bang was horrendous, and blood splattered my face as the window where she stood exploded along with the entire wall. Stone and debris flew everywhere, and chaos ensued just as the mind–link opened up, and Damian screamed through the mind–link that we were under attack. 

Dustin shoved me out of the way just as a second explosion went off, and I ducked for cover. The ground and building rocked and shuddered from the blast. 

to anyone nearby while trying to shield me as gunfire rang out loudly outside.

to get to me. Felt his presence get closer when men in armor started coming in through windows, doors, and blown–out walls.

shifts, shoving me toward

me, making it hard to see when I felt my hands become wet. I blinked, looking down to find I had tripped over a piece of Rachel‘s torso. Her limbs littered the

I don‘t come face to face with dead children and staff members, yet as I approach the huge doors, they burst open, and I see daylight filter in from a blown–out wall. When Clarice rushes out, the kids race toward me, and I wave my

yell at her, and her head whips up and turns in my direction just as Abbie and Tandi rush out the doors. We meet up

mind-link, and I scoop up Oliver as he slows while Clarice clutches Logan‘s hand. Our feet pounded on the stone floor to the double doors that led toward the gardens when an explosion went off directly behind us. The roof crashes down around us,

my ears ring loudly when Tandi grips my arm. I could see her lips moving, yet I heard no sound. She yanks me to my feet, and we start running again, I see

outside opens the doors. Everyone screeches to a halt, and Clarice shifts, snarling savagely as she puts her body

waves us forward, and everyone piles out as he points toward the forest. Servants rush out, ducking their heads. and I see Abbie behind me, clutching Tyson. She was bleeding and struggling to hold him, and Trey took him from her before we all started racing toward the tree line and the

everything going on, I didn‘t have time to worry. Too busy trying to get out of the corridor before the roof caved in completely. Bursting through the doors, smoke filled the sky and the smell of gunfire. Shouting and screaming rang out loudly, and the place had turned into a war

Clarice stop up ahead. Oliver, I could see beside her; I was holding her hand until Peter grabbed him and took off with him. Tandi stopped beside Peter and Clarice, yet as she paused and looked back at us, her eyes widened, and a blood–curdling scream left her as she looked past me toward the

waist, pivoting on my heel as I swing him into my chest. My foot slips on the soft wet grass, and I hear the whizz of bullets as they barely miss us. Out of my peripheral vision, I can see Gannon by the flat terrain before the hill

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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