His Found Lycan Luna Chapter 110 

Azalea POV 

She was gone, and I watched in horror as Gannon stole her from me, clutching her to his chest, and I felt dead. Like I took my last breath when she did, all life left me. She died for me and I felt completely and utterly numb until I heard his voice slice through the air as it mocked me. His slow methodical clap made me see red as I lifted my head to see I was circled by the Landeena and Valkyrie Guard, shielding me instead of fighting. 

My eyes scanned the destruction to find Kyson getting to his feet not far from me. The sight of my mate made my heart beat when Crux’s voice brought me back to my surroundings. 

He took Abbie from me. He wouldn‘t take my mate too. “I have waited for this day since I learned of your birth,” Crux laughed. My blood boiled, sizzled and my skin warmed with tage. 

“The almighty Landeenas finally fall. The Landeena Kingdom should have been mine. He promised it to me. I took down my own mother‘s Kingdom for it!” he yelled as everyone halted under his voice. The hunter‘s guns trained on us. They knew we were cornered and thought there was no way out for us. 

The Landeena name meant nothing to me anymore. I know the sins that name carried; the heartache bestowed upon the Kingdoms from it, and the reign of terror it

along with my rage. Yet I wasn‘t just Landeena.

Abbie free of him, it angered me more. Gannon fights him, trying to draw her nearer, when Liam punches him and knocks him back, his hands replacing Gannon‘s as he brings his hand down on her chest, pumping her heart as if he could save her and bring her back to us. Turning my head and seeing my mate on his knees made pure rage slivers white–hot through me. The ground vibrated beneath me, and I could feel

Tatiana as his Queen. His enemy he took as his Queen and birthed her spawn. It was never yours, Azalea. Your father promised it to me. The Landeena name was to be mine!”

in anger as I rose to my feet. My guard tensed and took protective stances encircling me, but I wanted to see the face of the

hands slowly as he strolls closer. Kyson‘s fear bleeds into

feared among the Lycania Kingdoms, and your father brought shame to the name, but not anymore. His reign ends here today with you, just like the Azures. You‘re

in my veins, feel the power that had awoken and now writhed through me, strong like a flexing muscle, he was right. I am Landeena and Azure by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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