Chapter 64: Embryo


Swallowing my anger over Edrick’s sudden choice to leave me at the hospital overnight and chalking it up to him simply wanting to protect his daughter, I took a deep breath and opened the car door before stepping out.

I walked into the spacious lobby, where a secretary was sitting at a small desk. She shot me a confused look as I entered.

“Ma’am, this is a werewolf hospital,” she said, her tone of voice sounding flat and annoyed.

This angered me even more than what Edrick had said in the car.

“I know,” I replied, walking up to her desk. “I have an appointment.”

The secretary stared at me for a moment, looking me up and down briefly, before she returned to slowly chewing her gum and clicking around on her computer. “Name?”

“Moana Fowler,” I replied.

to me. “You’re on the second floor. The elevator is over there.” She pointed behind herself without even turning, then promptly returned to clicking at her computer. I swallowed as I walked past her and pressed

button for the second floor. As I waited for the doors to open again at my destination, I realized that I was touching my stomach nervously, and quickly

Mina said. “You can go home. There’s no need to go

I ignored her.

in the waiting area. Soft classical music played. Scattered around the room were various other patients waiting for their appointments; there were a few couples and some single women. All of them, of course, looked up at me when I entered, immediately noticing from my lack of a scent that I was a human. One of the women turned and whispered something to her husband as I passed. I overheard her say something about how I

young nurse working at the desk, who thankfully smiled warmly at

at me and smiled again. “You’re all set, Miss Fowler. You can take a seat and the nurse will be

past the gossipy couple again before I found

and more nervous. Each time the nurse came out, I would feel my heart leap, only for it to relax again as


comfortable bed and a couch inside with a

in,” the nurse said,

exposed and I couldn’t bear my racing heart anymore. I wished, even though we weren’t romantically involved, that Edrick had come here with me.

the door. He was a short older man with a bit of a hunch in his back as he walked, but his eyes were bright

Fowler,” he said with a warm smile that helped me relax. “I hear you’re coming in for an

I nodded.

have to perform an ultrasound to check to see exactly how far along the pregnancy is,” he said then. “Go ahead and lay

seem to be capable of coming out of my mouth because of the enormous lump in my throat. I laid back and put my feet up in the stirrups as the doctor asked. My heart raced as he began the internal ultrasound, and I closed my eyes

ultrasound was over quickly; I had always hated those internal ultrasounds. The doctor helped me sit up

protocol for me to ask… Would you like to see the ultrasound before you make

to see the ultrasound, but I also worried that seeing the embryo would change my mind. I didn’t know what to do, but finally, my curiosity got the best of me. “I’d like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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