Chapter 132: The Coincidence


I woke up the next morning with the memory of what I overheard still fresh on my mind. To not only hear that Michael had sent that wolf to attack us, but also to hear that “Olivia” called Edrick again, left me feeling both confused and scared. If my baby was going to be in danger of someone like Michael, I didn’t know what I would do. I could only trust that Edrick would handle it and keep us protected.

It was Saturday morning, which meant that it was also a training day for Ella. I woke up early to get her ready, and decided that I would go to the orphanage and volunteer while Ella was in training. The last time I was at the orphanage, I discovered that Sophia was in need of help, so I decided that I would spend every Saturday morning that I could helping her out. I just hoped that she wouldn’t be too upset with me for not telling her about the baby sooner, as I was certain that she likely saw the news by now.

“I’m going to the orphanage while Ella is in training today,” I told Edrick as we ate breakfast together. “I’ll be volunteering for Sophia on Saturdays now.”

Edrick furrowed his brow as he took a sip of his coffee. He seemed a bit concerned, which I understood; with everything that had happened recently between the Rogue district and the Rogue that came to attack us in the woods, it was no wonder that he was worried about letting me spend time out of the house by myself.

“Well, at least bring a bodyguard with you,” he said, somewhat sternly. “I don’t want you going anywhere alone from now on.”

couldn’t deny the fact that I felt a bit uncomfortable having a bodyguard follow me around. However, I knew that it was the safest thing to do, and the bodyguard that Edrick hired was very nice. In fact, as I sat down at the front desk and began my work for Sophia, I couldn’t help but smile when I heard the children pestering the bodyguard and

was a little sullen when she

on the desk in front of me. “I would have preferred to hear it from you instead of from

know,” I replied. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that Edrick was going to announce it

her face and she reached out from across the desk to squeeze my hand. “I’m happy

mood to explain that entire mess to anyone, let alone Sophia — although I was certain that she already had a good idea as to what was really going on, anyway. After the past week, I felt even more confused about my relationship with Edrick than ever. I just hoped that Mina was right when she told me that I just needed to give Edrick time, and then he would want to have more than a

make appointments so they could tour the orphanage, as well as other people who wanted to volunteer. Between all of the phone calls and workers coming in to make repairs thanks to the money from the foundation, I was busy nonstop during the few hours that I was there. No wonder Sophia was having a hard time keeping up; working at the front desk was

I was there. Or, at least, it

phone calls had died down a bit, so I was getting ready to leave. Just before I got up from the desk,

answered politely.

young —

thrilled once more to hear that more people were interested in adopting. It made my heart swell to know that some of the children who were here would finally be going

opening up the appointment book.


This couldn’t possibly be the Olivia, could it? The same Olivia who called Edrick relentlessly in the middle of the night? It couldn’t be… This woman sounded perfectly nice, not at all like the disturbance that Edrick made her out to be. I couldn’t imagine that the lovely young woman on the other end of the phone was the same woman who pestered Edrick for money on an almost nightly basis. Surely

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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