Chapter 216

The room was silent as a grave as we all stared at each other. Beau glared at Johnny while Johnny looked at Luke, Carmen, and his younger cousin, Kenzo-while I couldn’t take my eyes off Dario.

I knew he had to be there for the conversation, considering any feud within the family business also involved him nowadays, but it was still difficult to be in the same room as him.

It was hard enough, pretending to be happy while I felt miserable. I felt broken, but I would not allow myself to show it. How could I sulk about Dario? Where would that leave Christian and Siena?

“So.” Christian cleared his throat. “First of all, Kenny—I would like to thank you for going against our evil uncle to protect the family business,” Christian told Kenzo. “We still failed but that’s not important right


Seeing Christian talk to three teenagers was extremely uncomfortable and obviously, something he wasn’t very good at as he wasn’t very compassionate. “It’s no problem. I was glad to help.” Kenzo smiled while he stared at Carmen.

1 could see right through him and could smell his fear from here, but the poor boy was trying to hide his feelings for a girl who couldn’t care less. Carmen sat with her head glued to the floor and seemed close to walking out. It was mainly because of Johnny, and I could not blame her for being traumatized. It’s not every day someone who is supposed to protect you is willing to sacrifice your life for their benefit.

“Look, I think we can all agree that a lot has happened, and most of it shouldn’t even have happened— and…

Christian frowned his eyebrows at me while I gave him an encouraging nod. “I want to say that I’m sorry for failing you, every single one of you, and I take full responsibility for everything that happened-and it won’t happen again.” He apologized. “I’m sorry, and now that I’ve apologized…I hope we can all move on?”

It was silent for a second before Beau scoffed at Christian’s apology. “I want you to look at Carmen, and I want you to think about your apology. Is that the best you can do?”

“Beau, please.” I pleaded, but Christian stuck out his hand to stop me. “No, let him continue. I’m listening.

Beau took a deep breath. “I already said everything I needed to say.” He spoke. “I’ll stand behind you because of Serena and Siena-but that’s it.

“Very well then,” Christian spoke, annoyed, and turned around to face Johnny. “Johnny come on, you know what you have to do.”

“No, no, no, Johnny repeated with a surprised look on his face. “I’m not going to apologize for doing my job-I won’t,” Johnny stated.

“I brought Luca to my dad, so we could get them together and get rid of them, and when you weren’t working along I got so angry that I couldn’t think clearly, and I would’ve done it again…for the family. Johnny spoke without a single stutter.

I felt shocked and disgusted with his choice of words, but I knew my expectations were too high. Yes, Johnny had always been nice-but he was still a Lamberti. He wasn’t even close to being a saint, and we all shared different views from each other. Even though his family was messed up-he was actually willing to kill his dad and Luca.

My eyes moved from Beau’s clenched fist to Carmen, who was shaking, while Luke and Kenzo tried calming her down.

“So you just won’t admit to your mistakes?” I spoke for the first time, after seeing the devastated look on my sister’s face. “Are you really that selfish?”

head. “I’m sorry, Serena, I tried to keep them safe, and I told Christian to cancel the party-but

when Cesca and Gio talked crap about me while Lucio didn’t have the guts to stop them. If this was his way of leading a family business. then maybe he

I whispered as I slightly nudged his shoulder. “You

was in the middle of all of this. “I-“He sighed

my brow. He most likely didn’t expect it to go like this. He probably thought we would all hug it out and move on,

Christian, no matter what-and nothing

Beau snapped as he lunged forward. This time Christian took action almost

the two yelling back and forth at one other. I looked back at Dario to see if he would interfere, but he leaned against the wall with

going to do anything?” I managed to call out Dario. Whether I wanted to talk to him or not, this was going too far and it had to stop. Dario stretched out his arms and took

at him as it was unusual for him to lose his temper.

I can think of is, where the hell did I get myself into?” Dario paced through the room. “Are you guys serious? Do you guys think this is some after-school club or something?”

Ever since Lucio had fallen ill, there was no unity. and Christian was partly to blame. He was supposed to lead them but clearly wasn’t himself and all he cared about were his cousin’s feelings-because he did not want

could walk over him was because he let them, and he listened to me and told me I was right-so why was he holding himself back? He

on for long enough-but I’m not Christian, and I won’t let you disrespect

as if he felt at ease with the idea of

as ever, shook his

“No, I won’t.”

make you apologize, Dario spoke in a threatening tone. I didn’t know whether it was because he held an actual position, but he seemed

well because this time he turned around to face Kenzo and the twins and didn’t

to get over things. I don’t know what they did to you at the Garcia’s, but it’s time for you to lose that mentality.”

seemed shocked. “I need to get over

nodded. “What Johnny did was wrong, but you would’ve done the same if you were in his position-and don’t tell me you wouldn’t because we both know how far

truth was that any of us would’ve done the same

I’m telling you to keep it together.” Dario stated. It was not a request, but an

each other for all I care-but we’re not going to beat him like this, and I won’t let any

impressed with Dario. “I agree.” He spoke. “I mean, all of you are giving me a hard

All of you?

“He has a baby and a fiancée to take care of, his father is dying, he has to lead a business, he has

of course not,” Johnny mumbled.

about your cousin as you claim you do, or do you just want him to jump off

Johnny spoke flustered.

return. “Right?” He repeated himself. The way he spoke to them as if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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