Chapter 468 The Witty Side Of Jonathan

Jonathan usually ignored Yosef, but he unexpectedly offered words of comfort and concern that day. Yosef was initially taken aback, but his expression drastically changed as he reflected on the meaning of Jonathan's words.

"What do you mean he's committed a serious offense? Jonathan, Jack has always been well-behaved and diligent at work. Don't tarnish his reputation with baseless accusations," Yosef retorted, knowing full well that Jack's abilities at work were average. However, in Eleanor's eyes, Jack represented him. He had maintained Jack's image and couldn't tolerate Jonathan tarnishing it.

Jonathan's demeanor shifted from concern to shock and puzzlement. "Uncle Yosef, does this mean you don't know?"

Yosef had no idea what Jonathan was talking about. He looked at his nephew, feeling a sense of foreboding rising within him. He couldn't help but wonder if Jonathan was trying to use Jack to attack him.

Refusing to take the bait, he attempted to change the subject. He forced a smile and said, "Jonathan, since you're busy, I won't have the kitchen prepare lunch for you. Rest assured, your grandmother has me to keep her company. If you care, just visit her occasionally." He was subtly reminding Eleanor that Jonathan rarely returned to Finch Manor. Naturally, Jonathan saw through Yosef's tactic but had no intention of letting him off the hook so easily.

"Uncle Yosef, I thought you cared about Jack, but it seems..." Jonathan shook his head and easily brought the conversation back on track.

Upon seeing the stiff smile on Yosef's face disappear, he sighed. "Jack probably got involved in that illicit gathering and drug abuse case because he felt neglected by you." Yosef's mind went blank, and the smile on his face completely vanished.

"What do you mean by illicit gathering and drug abuse? Jonathan, how could you spread such slander about Jack? As his cousin and a member of the Finch family, you should be ashamed of yourself!" he scolded angrily, for he knew such serious accusations against his son were also a direct blow to him.

Jonathan looked at Yosef innocently. "But Uncle Yosef, I'm not slandering him. I only heard about this incident this morning when I overheard some chatter at the company.

"Apparently, someone's neighbor works at the police station and caught wind of a story involving Jack.

a phone call, the news spread like wildfire. I made sure to scold those involved, emphasizing that we mustn't spread rumors without evidence. After all, seeking the truth is

that the gossip surrounding Jack's alleged involvement in promiscuous behavior and drug abuse was completely baseless. "Unfortunately, when I sent someone to investigate at the police station, the truth was more distressing than I could have ever imagined..." Jonathan let his sentence trail off, but

beet-red with rage. Recalling Bella's strange behavior when she received a call late last night,

it was true, he could never admit it in front of

but you can't-" He gritted his teeth, preparing to play the victim in front of Eleanor, but Anna hurried over with a phone before he could finish his sentence. "Mrs. Finch Senior..." She handed the

her younger days, when she actively worked alongside her husband, meant she needed to be informed of certain matters. As she took the call, her expression darkened with each passing moment, casting a tense and cold atmosphere

on tending to her flowers, carefully pruning them as she had been doing

had already formed on his forehead due

a smile playing on her lips,

began, but Eleanor cut

energy would be better spent checking on your dear son. He must be quite frightened being all alone at the

in her voice was impossible to ignore. Eleanor's obvious

won't let him get away with it!" Yosef was seething with anger. Everything Jack did affected Eleanor's

that Jack!" he fumed inwardly. Wasting no time, Yosef set out to confront his ungrateful son

departing, he cast


gone, Eleanor stood up and headed inside, deliberately ignoring Jonathan.

of Jonathan's plan. While Jack had undeniably erred, the rapid dissemination of this news throughout

family scandals should never be aired in public. To her, this was equivalent to disregarding the

acted this way because it was the only way to make her aware of Jack's deeds. He was using Eleanor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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