Chapter 341

Kenneth didn’t take her home or to school.

Instead, they went straight to the boxing gym.

They kept silent all the way. When they arrived, Cassandra realized something was wrong and said in a daze, “This is not Pinehart Mansion.”

Kenneth unfastened his seat belt and was about to get out of the car to open the door for Cassandra. His gentle voice made Cassandra a little confused. “No, it is not. I’ll take you to a good place.”

After saying that, he got out and walked to the passenger side to open the door for her.

Cassandra raised her eyebrows and asked indifferently, “Kenneth, where are we going?” She got out of the car and stood in front of Kenneth.

Then she looked up and saw the words “Thunder Boxing Gym“.

“You brought me here to box?” Cassandra asked uncertainly.

“Yeah, let’s go.” Kenneth took her hand as he spoke. He had booked the place for the day, so they could have a lot of fun.

“Will you box with me?” Cassandra asked with a raised eyebrow.

“As long as you want, I will.”

He was ready to join her in whatever she wanted, just to help her forget the unpleasant memories the scum had left her with.

Cassandra’s eyes were bright with excitement at Kenneth’s suggestion.

She turned around and pulled Kenneth towards the gym.

“Come on, let’s fight!” Cassandra had forgotten all her unhappiness. All she could think about was the fight with Kenneth. She wanted to know who was stronger.

When Cassandra and Kenneth entered the rum, they found it almost empty. She thought it was weird. ‘Usually, there are a lot of people in Thunder Boxing Gym, but why is there no one today?‘ she wondered.

“I booked the place today. I booked the place for today, just for us to play. I even called a few sparring partners, so later we can team up and have some fun with.

Wed, 20 Mar 5.5

Chapter 341

said with a chuckle, affectionately


Leonardo meant by past and present lives, he could feel that Cassandra’s aura had

didn’t want to see Cassandra like this. He wanted her to


Yates family. He was stuck abroad and didn’t make it back early. If he had come back earlier at that

Yates family was going

thinking about now was that she was

change our clothes and have

minutes later, she changed into her gear and put on her gloves. With everything ready, she was standing

to give it your all. It’s no fun if you go easy on me.” Cassandra just wanted to have a good fight. It didn’t matter whether

get mad at me.”

wished. ‘But if I accidentally… Hope she’s not getting angry!” he

think too much!” Cassandra was


got ready to defend, his

“Three! Two! One! Begin!”

the ring. She liked to attack rather than defend because her ultimate


Chapter 341

dodging, never facing off

and said in a cold voice, “Kenneth, stop just

fun at


started throwing powerful punches, but he purposely paused for a second just before it reached Cassandra, giving her time to react. In this way, she wouldn’t

reaction was also very quick. She was the most responsive player he had ever seen, and she definitely had the talent

she was also working for the country–now. He didn’t need another. identity. He just hoped that she could

nearly half an hour, but there was still no winner. Even the seven people who appeared outside the ring didn’t catch their

Cyrus, Kayden,

the ring,

good at fighting, he didn’t know whether

Cassandra an

Kenneth paused for a moment and gave opportunity to


‘A commander? He couldn’t even beat

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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