Morwenna casually strolled over and took a seat next to Norbert, making herself at home as she picked up a cup of tea for a sip.

She figured, if there was anything off about the tea, she'd be the first to know.

Norbert seemed to take a particular shine to Morwenna, a fact that did not escape Rose, whose eyes flickered with a hint of jealousy. Yet, she kept her composure, continuing to serve the tea with a light- hearted question to Stuart, "Stuart, care to join us for a cup?"

It was a mere formality; no one in the Hetfield family was particularly keen on sharing a tea moment with Stuart.

To everyone's surprise, Stuart nodded in agreement.

Norbert was visibly pleased, making room for him, "Come on, join us. It's good for you youngsters to sit together."

Finding herself seated next to Stuart threw Morwenna off her guard. She shot him a puzzled look, wondering what he was up to.

Leaning in, Stuart whispered, "Rose is fine, no need to be on edge."

Hearing this, Morwenna relaxed a bit. If Stuart said it was okay, then it must be.

She nodded, whispering back, "If there's no issue, why come sit here?"

he responded, "To keep you company while

her ears burn and promptly straightened

for his aloof demeanor, was

them with

crashed to the floor, shattering into

was my fault,"

did I teach you about manners? A few years away and you've forgotten

was strict about

leaving it to others.

his wing, received a rare

stern questioning now was quite

voice filled with hurt, "Grandpa, it was an accident. I've been practicing the piano for a competition, and my fingers are a bit sore. I just couldn't hold the cup steady." Norbert's expression softened slightly

"Can't even hold a teacup steady, and you're trying to

bowed, embodying the picture of gentle grievance, "It's been a while since I've seen Grandpa, and with his health

sarcasm was merciless as he said, "Oh? So you do know about his health? Here

was known for his sharp tongue and sparing no

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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