I Am The Luna

Chapter 122

A Setup

I hear the explosion go off, a signal for us too… as much as I thought I’d be alone, it’s wishful thinking. They sent Gaspard with me since he said he wants to get his pregnant woman out of here.


She sure played a good game, but the truth is there were so many more involved in their games than I had originally thought. I was right; she didn’t have the brains to be behind the entire kidnapping crap herself, and the worst part is I know Mom was the biggest instigator.

Gaspard’s hatred for me as we run through the tunnels that lead right into the Kings’ Mansion is obvious.

He hates me as much as I fucking hate him. I wonder how they thought a team made of people who detest one another would ever fucking work.

I slowly let the time bomb I had hidden roll to the ground making sure it made no sound as we continue walking. It’ll go off when he sends the four squads this way.

This mansion was the place Zaia and I called home. A place where we thought we were safe, not knowing that so many people had possibly walked through those halls when she was home alone…

It sends a chill through me and when things are over, if I’m alive, I’m having a full assessment done underground to make sure there are no more secret passageways.

Gaspard steps ahead as he keys in a code. He’s been here before and that irks me. I wonder how many times he just met up with Annalise after I sent Zaia away.

The door clicks open and I’m looking into a room that smells of Mom, her cinnamon tea and her love for roses… it’s a room that I barely saw in the past as it was her place, but it’s been ransacked, they’ve checked the room thoroughly, but they never discovered the secret passage…


The entrance swings shut silently and with the heavy bookshelf in front of it, it probably didn’t even feel hollow… smartly hidden entrance.

Gaspard smirks as he presses something on the watch he’s wearing.

“We better get moving.” He says, looking at me. I nod as we slip into the bedroom, Mom and Dad’s room.

Gaspard raises his gun, getting It ready and I glance at him.

“You are not to kill anyone in this home,” I command as I open the bedroom door.

Where is Dad?

“You care too much for the traitors.” He says. quietly. I ignore him as we silently make our way down the stairs towards the back of the house. Although we are being watched, the to shoot Gaspard is fucking real.


need to get to Sia first, and then I will unleash

low dose of wolfsbane, and I had a feeling they would. They still don’t trust me and Gerard had

I had heard nothing. A small amount of wolfsbane won’t work on me, but they didn’t need to know

training, no matter how good I was, I never gave it everything I had, making sure they underestimated

connect to her through the mind link. It’s more draining than

Almost like


Fox, come on, hear me. Let me

I’m met with is a

mind link him? I’m not sure if it’ll work, but I don’t know who else

he’s an

Jai, can either of you hear me?’

He sounds almost unsure, and his voice is as cold as it was

you to listen

turned out to be your mother’s son… and for someone who said they no longer saw me as their father,

Mom, Dad and Gerard, Dad is the only one I

you wanted… I don’t know if you see my children as your grandchildren, but Sia was poisoned by Mom- or should I say the witch


of it as helping a child. One who has

a traitor … My son would not leave his family and run. When Agatha wanted you to marry Cara, I wanted you to bring Zaia back, bring your children back… but even though she changed her mind about Carà,

will understand me for who I am. But this isn’t about us. Will you help me, for

for Zaia, who has run

approves of her.

everyone proud….

the King mansion as we speak. I am with Gaspard who

back door and step out into the chilly air. It’s going to rain… I can smell

me which I need destroyed. They don’t trust me,

cold voice

just pray that he is indeed on our side. I’m certain he

the Safehouse from here?” Gaspard asks me,

need to lie low, stick to the shadows and avoid

antidote, then we get the boy and

boy?” I ask, looking at him

says as he motions me to

have my word, no harm will come to Zion.” Gerard’s voice comes through the earpiece, making



sending Gaspard with me so he could grab Zion. What do they want with

there’s another explosion that illuminates the sky, and

of gunshots ring through the air, raining down on us. One hits

happening Sebastian?!” Gerard

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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