Chapter 8 Too Arrogant


The four security guards breathed a sigh of relief when they heard what Jonathan said. Then they quickly collected the cards and money and stood aside quietly.


Benjamin didn’t take any action. He didn’t want to make it too obvious at that moment.

“Which is your bed?” Amber asked Jonathan with a cold expression.

The latter then pointed at his bed and smiled. “Search as you like.”


When Jonathan sounded so confident, Amber and the other police couldn’t help but wonder if they had wronged him.


Damn it. Laugh as you can now. You won’t be able to laugh later. Benjamin sneered in his heart.

With that, Amber ordered the police to search thoroughly. In moments, they found a gold necklace right under Jonathan’s bed.


“This is mine!” Benjamin exclaimed. Then he yelled at Jonathan angrily, “So you were the one who stole my necklace!”

Seeing that, Amber also looked at Jonathan and asked, “What else do you have to say?”

However, Jonathan just laughed. “Do you believe his words? He’s setting me up!” After a pause, he continued again, “If I want his things, I will take them directly.”


As soon as he finished his words, he turned around and moved quickly next to Benjamin. Then he put his arm around Benjamin’s shoulder and asked, “Tell me, did you set me up?”

Benjamin was a bold man. However, as soon as he saw Jonathan behaving like that, he felt a little scared. Jonathan’s arm on his shoulder suddenly gave him a fright. “No, how could I set you up? You’re the—” However, Benjamin screamed in pain before he could finish his words.

“Stop!” Amber and the officers were furious. Jonathan was beating the witness in front of them. Amber was a hot-tempered person. She couldn’t help but point her gun at Jonathan angrily.

The other three policemen went up to capture Jonathan at once.

arm, he suddenly kicked twice. With that, the two policemen fell heavily to the ground.

didn’t expect Jonathan to be so aggressive that he dared to attack

you don’t stop, I’ll shoot!” Amber was

the trigger lock first.” Jonathan smiled with a sharp glare before he

blood, and his face turned red and

apparent that Jonathan was ruthless with his

no bullet in Amber’s gun. Seeing that, Amber became nervous. She used what she had learned in

latter sneered. He

felt a sharp pain in her wrist. It seemed that Jonathan had dislocated her wrist, and she

that, Jennifer and the other

you in front of these policemen if you don’t clear things up today. Do you believe me?” Jonathan

was evident that he was really

of Thunder. He was known

dare someone set him up for stealing when he was back

he couldn’t help but urinate. In a moment, the entire place stank of

wrong. I’m sorry that I set you up. I won’t do that again.” Benjamin begged. He was scared

was only then that Jonathan let go of

 “You are just a brainless woman. Didn’t you notice that it was a trap? Do you need me to explain it to

that, fear flashed across

met someone like Jonathan. The murderous look on his face was so frightening—one that had taken a lot

no choice but to finally believe Jonathan didn’t steal a thing. A person like him

Lawson up. I asked someone to put the

back to the police station for what you said just now

Jonathan smirked upon hearing that. “Don’t worry! I’ll go back with you as long

 Amber was stunned as soon as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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