Chapter 323 Determined

Deep down, Mabel rejected the notion of summoning Catherine. It wasn't because Mabel had a personal motive, or even because she harbored feelings toward Jonathan. She was an honorable person who would never do something that she would be ashamed of. Since Mabel was the one who caused Jonathan to be in such a state, she could not bear to face Catherine, for she felt incredibly guilty.

Hence, at that moment, Mabel wanted to rely on herself to awaken Jonathan.

She proceeded to tell Jeff, “Chief Yount, let me try awakening him first.”

Jeff nodded in response. “Okay.” After a brief pause, he added, “Mabel, I hope you'll forget about the matter of the cacodemon. What's done is done.”

Giving Jeff a look, Mabel said, “The cacodemon may not mean much to you, but it is my savior. Please don't lecture me about righteousness and the like. As a person, I have to put my conscience before everything else.”

Falling silent, Jeff stared intently at Mabel and said nothing. He knew that Mabel was a decisive person, and she was not some innocent young lady who could be easily persuaded. She was a person of principle.

On the other hand, Jeff stood in a position that allowed him to view things objectively. Thus, they both had their own stances and opinions.

As a result, the matter was inexorable and unable to be mediated.

“I shall take my leave first.” Without further ado, Jeff turned around and exited the bedroom.

The lights that shone in the bedroom were snow white.

Jonathan appeared to be sleeping peacefully as he lay there with his eyes closed.

Turning around, Mabel proceeded to turn off the lights.

Immediately, the bedroom plunged into darkness and silence.

Mabel placed a finger on Jonathan's brow and sent a wave of mana into the latter's brain.

She was merely trying to explore Jonathan's consciousness without trying to refine Ephraim's spiritual wave.

At that moment, Mabel focused all of her attention on Jonathan. Like an elusive spirit, she darted into Jonathan's mind and weaved through his memories.

Through Jonathan's mind, Mabel was able to gain a better understanding of the man.

She saw a young Jonathan training hard and the former's attachment to his master. Moreover, she saw Jonathan training and fighting on the battlefields of Smealand.

Occasionally, she would see something that made her flush red.

Jonathan's private life was far too chaotic in the past. When he had been overseas, he loved to frequent bars and hit on women from various countries. He would often end the night with a pleasant romp in bed.

Jonathan had changed that habit of his when he returned to Horington. Ever since then, he held back from such outrageous behavior.

As Mabel continued to go through Jonathan's mind, she could see many of his memories. However, she could not discover the whereabouts of his consciousness at that moment, which made her feel helpless.

Despite that, she was exceptionally smart. She gave up on wading through his mind and began releasing brain waves in his mind.

She released thoughts regarding the cacodemon as if she was telling him a story, explaining to him how the cacodemon was captured and how its fate was currently unknown. Perhaps, it was even on the verge of death.

After sending off the signals, Mabel immediately sensed the fluctuations in Jonathan's mind.

Jonathan's brain waves began to vibrate violently as it underwent fierce recovery.

The intensity of Jonathan's brain waves made Mabel feel uncomfortable. If she did not withdraw her mana now, it would inevitably clash with Jonathan's brain waves. When that happened, she was bound to injure Jonathan.

Hence, Mabel hurriedly exited Jonathan's mind.

She opened her eyes and saw that Jonathan's eyes were still shut.

However, Jonathan's fingers moved ever so slightly. A moment later, his lashes fluttered as well.

Mabel was overjoyed.

Before long, Jonathan suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, breathing heavily.

Mabel let out a sigh of relief.

Jonathan shook his head, trying to clear his mind a little before abruptly jumping down from the bed. Turning to Mabel, he announced anxiously, “We're going to Mapleton.”

Mabel replied in a low voice, “Jonathan, don't worry. We'll get to Mapleton. But you have to tell me, how are you feeling right now? Also, going to Mapleton to rescue the cacodemon will not be an easy task. We will need to make meticulous preparations.”

Jonathan had received the information Mabel transmitted while he was unconscious. When he found out that the cacodemon had been captured because of him, he almost had a mental breakdown.

Even if he had to risk his life, he was not going to let anything happen to the cacodemon.

Jonathan forced himself to calm down upon hearing Mabel's words.

He gathered his wits and felt his mind clear up. Ephraim's spiritual wave had been completely dispelled.

While he didn't dispel it by refining it, he had managed to regain control of his own spiritual wave. Since Ephraim's spiritual wave did not have a consciousness tied to it, it would only grow weaker and weaker as time passed.

“I'm fine,” Jonathan replied.

Mabel said, “All right, then. Come with me. We're going to Mapleton.”

Jonathan regained his composure and said, “We must keep our trip to Mapleton a secret. If the Thymionians find out, we won't stand a chance.”

Mabel knew that Jonathan was referring to Jeff. She had to settle matters with Jeff, or everything would be for naught.

“Let's meet with Chief Yount,” Mabel declared.

Following that, she exited the bedroom with Jonathan in tow.

Jeff was sitting cross-legged in his office when the two found him.

He opened his eyes when Jonathan and Mabel entered the room.

“Chief Yount, Jonathan and I wish to go to Mapleton. I want you to give us your word that you will not leak our whereabouts to the Thymionians again.”

Smiling bitterly, Jeff gave Mabel and Jonathan a look. “Looks like you're adamant about going to save the cacodemon in Thymion.”

Mabel and Jonathan nodded resolutely in response.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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