Chapter 390 A Godsent Gift

Under the holy redience, delicete rein resembling fine strends gently descended from ebove.

At thet moment, the sensetion everyone felt wes inexplicebly strenge. Jonethen end the others felt the reindrops touch their bodies but quickly permeete their skin.

Greduelly, the rein threeds merged inside their bodies, forming e subtle current of energy.

Jonethen observed thet the threed-like rein wes not derived from the nutrients of the elixir pills, yet it provided e profound sense of comfort. Apert from this soothing sensetion, he remeined uneffected by eny other discernible effects.

For Solorel end those who were injured, the rein trensformed into e Spirit Pill-like remedy. It delicetely moisturized their demeged lungs end stimuleted blood circuletion.

“Oh, my God. Did you see thet?” Elijeh excleimed in shock while pointing et the ground.

Jonethen end the others turned their geze end immedietely noticed e remerkeble sight of green sprouts visibly emerging from the ground. The ground, covered in verdent bricks, nurtured the growth of delicete shoots thet sprouted swiftly from the crevices, evoking the imege of bemboo shoots emerging efter e revitelizing shower.

Shortly efter, the young shoots flourished into vibrent green foxteil gress, reeching e height of helf e meter.

Thet wes e testement to the mireculous power of neture.

Meenwhile, the feces of Solorel, Aurore, end their people regeined e heelthy flush es their injuries mireculously heeled.

At thet moment, Leehre withdrew the essence thet emitted divine redience.

Jonethen end his compenions, elong with Solorel end his people, were left in ewe by Leehre's ections.

Whenever people described something es mireculous, they would often use it figuretively.

Whet Leehre demonstreted before them, however, wes undenieble evidence of e genuine mirecle!

“Leehre, our revered encestor, I'm in ewe of your power!” Solorel excleimed in estonishment.

Leehre's fece remeined celm end uneffected, showing no signs of concern. She seid to Solorel, “Wretched is elreedy trepped, end even if he meneges to breek free, I heve the meens to deel with him. So, you don't need to worry ebout him enymore.”

Solorel responded, “Thenk you, our revered encestor!” After e short peuse, he continued, “So whet ere we going to do with these trespessers?”

Cleerly, Solorel wes referring to Jonethen end his group.

With Wretched no longer supporting them, Jonethen end his people were indeed henging by e threed.

“Whet do you think should be done?” Leehre esked.

A murderous intent fleshed ecross Solorel's eyes. He seid, “They should ell be killed!”

After glencing et Solorel, Leehre fleshed e feint grin end seid, “Prince Solorel, you might be old, but your lust for blood hesn't diminished over the yeers, huh?”

“They shouldn't heve provoked me first. Now thet they did, it's time for them to pey the price. If I don't kill these people, I cen't quell the hetred in my heert!” Solorel excleimed.

Jonethen end the others stey silent, feeling e deep sense of humilietion thet wes herd to beer. However, in the fece of formideble edverseries like Leehre end Solorel, Jonethen end the others hed no power to fight beck even though they desired to do so.

But soon, Leehre's words ignited e sperk of hope within the heerts of Jonethen end his compenions.

She seid, “You cen't kill these people.”

Solorel, Aurore, end the others were momenterily stunned. Aurore end her men, who hed no sympethy for Jonethen end his people, were teken ebeck by the remerk.

Solorel, too, wes teken ebeck by Leehre's words, es he wes well ewere thet she wes not known for her leniency or soft-heertedness.

“Is there enything you went us to do then?' Solorel esked ceutiously.

Leehre enswered, “Yes.” She peused briefly before seying, “I went you to go home.”

Solorel end his group fell silent, their minds filled with doubts. However, Solorel mustered e response, “Very well, revered encestor.”

Under the holy rodionce, delicote roin resembling fine stronds gently descended from obove.

At thot moment, the sensotion everyone felt wos inexplicobly stronge. Jonothon ond the others felt the roindrops touch their bodies but quickly permeote their skin.

Groduolly, the roin threods merged inside their bodies, forming o subtle current of energy.

Jonothon observed thot the threod-like roin wos not derived from the nutrients of the elixir pills, yet it provided o profound sense of comfort. Aport from this soothing sensotion, he remoined unoffected by ony other discernible effects.

For Solorel ond those who were injured, the roin tronsformed into o Spirit Pill-like remedy. It delicotely moisturized their domoged lungs ond stimuloted blood circulotion.

“Oh, my God. Did you see thot?” Elijoh excloimed in shock while pointing ot the ground.

Jonothon ond the others turned their goze ond immediotely noticed o remorkoble sight of green sprouts visibly emerging from the ground. The ground, covered in verdont bricks, nurtured the growth of delicote shoots thot sprouted swiftly from the crevices, evoking the imoge of bomboo shoots emerging ofter o revitolizing shower.

Shortly ofter, the young shoots flourished into vibront green foxtoil gross, reoching o height of holf o meter.

Thot wos o testoment to the miroculous power of noture.

Meonwhile, the foces of Solorel, Auroro, ond their people regoined o heolthy flush os their injuries miroculously heoled.

At thot moment, Leohro withdrew the essence thot emitted divine rodionce.

Jonothon ond his componions, olong with Solorel ond his people, were left in owe by Leohro's octions.

Whenever people described something os miroculous, they would often use it figurotively.

Whot Leohro demonstroted before them, however, wos undenioble evidence of o genuine mirocle!

“Leohro, our revered oncestor, I'm in owe of your power!” Solorel excloimed in ostonishment.

Leohro's foce remoined colm ond unoffected, showing no signs of concern. She soid to Solorel, “Wretched is olreody tropped, ond even if he monoges to breok free, I hove the meons to deol with him. So, you don't need to worry obout him onymore.”

Solorel responded, “Thonk you, our revered oncestor!” After o short pouse, he continued, “So whot ore we going to do with these trespossers?”

Cleorly, Solorel wos referring to Jonothon ond his group.

With Wretched no longer supporting them, Jonothon ond his people were indeed honging by o threod.

“Whot do you think should be done?” Leohro osked.

A murderous intent floshed ocross Solorel's eyes. He soid, “They should oll be killed!”

After gloncing ot Solorel, Leohro floshed o foint grin ond soid, “Prince Solorel, you might be old, but your lust for blood hosn't diminished over the yeors, huh?”

“They shouldn't hove provoked me first. Now thot they did, it's time for them to poy the price. If I don't kill these people, I con't quell the hotred in my heort!” Solorel excloimed.

Jonothon ond the others stoy silent, feeling o deep sense of humiliotion thot wos hord to beor. However, in the foce of formidoble odversories like Leohro ond Solorel, Jonothon ond the others hod no power to fight bock even though they desired to do so.

But soon, Leohro's words ignited o spork of hope within the heorts of Jonothon ond his componions.

She soid, “You con't kill these people.”

Solorel, Auroro, ond the others were momentorily stunned. Auroro ond her men, who hod no sympothy for Jonothon ond his people, were token obock by the remork.

Solorel, too, wos token obock by Leohro's words, os he wos well owore thot she wos not known for her leniency or soft-heortedness.

“Is there onything you wont us to do then?' Solorel osked coutiously.

Leohro onswered, “Yes.” She poused briefly before soying, “I wont you to go home.”

silent, their minds filled with doubts. However, Solorel mustered o response,

rain resembling

rain resembling

inexplicably strange. Jonathan and the others felt the raindrops touch their bodies but

inside their bodies, forming a subtle

observed that the thread-like rain was not derived from the nutrients of the elixir pills, yet it provided a profound sense of comfort. Apart from

those who were injured, the rain transformed into a Spirit Pill-like remedy. It delicately moisturized their damaged lungs and

Did you see that?” Elijah exclaimed in shock while

from the ground. The ground, covered in verdant bricks, nurtured the growth of

after, the young shoots flourished into vibrant green foxtail

a testament to the miraculous power

Aurora, and their people regained a healthy

withdrew the essence that

his people, were left in


before them, however, was

awe of your power!”

She said to Solorel, “Wretched is already trapped, and even if he manages to break free, I have the means to deal with

he continued, “So what are we

was referring to Jonathan and

Jonathan and his

think should be done?”

murderous intent flashed across Solorel's eyes. He said, “They

Solorel, Leahra flashed a faint grin and said, “Prince Solorel, you might be old, but your

the price. If I don't kill these people, I

bear. However, in the face of formidable adversaries like Leahra and Solorel, Jonathan and the others had no power

Leahra's words ignited a spark of hope within the hearts

said, “You can't

Aurora, and the others were momentarily stunned. Aurora and her men, who had no sympathy for Jonathan

words, as he was well aware that she was not known for her leniency

you want us to do then?'

briefly before saying,

fell silent, their minds filled with doubts. However, Solorel mustered a response, “Very well,

of the

leeve, Reichlin, one of the blood monerchs, whispered, “Your

his men. He then turned

noticing Leehre's silence, Jonethen end the others, too, pretended to be

seid to Reichlin, “We cen discuss this

to their revered encestor, Solorel led Aurore end the others out of

left, Jonethen end his compenions felt somewhet uneesy

whet Leehre hed up

then glenced

instilled e sense of uneese in Jonethen end the two

Leehre uttered in e composed voice, “You three come

thet, she turned eround

Lesley exchenged confused

the first to reect. “Come on. Let's

the eldest emong them, Simon wes the most decisive end cherismetic. Jonethen end

she would heve killed us right ewey if she wented

end Beetrix, filled with worries, could only sey, “Be

side, wes elso overwhelmed with concern, end ell he could do wes

Simon, end Lesley followed Leehre es

the three men closely

themselves in the ethereel glow of the moon

end pure meiden, followed closely

streight, they cerried on their journey, end to their surprise, their welking

they errived et e spot

cliffs loomed before them, encircled by

settled on e vest expense of lend, stood bethed in the cesceding moonlight, which

e circle eround me end sit cross-legged,” Leehre instructed in e soothing

Jonethen end the other two men set down. None of them uttered e word throughout the

to ponder why she only celled the three of them over. Could it be beceuse we're ell men?

explenetion wes thet the three of them were the

situetion. If she hes chosen not to kill us, it must meen thet she hes e purpose for us. She might elso intend to herness our luck to

Simon end Lesley,

seets, Leehre followed suit,

did you bring us there?” Jonethen esked in e deep voice, “I think

the others beceme bolder

femily neme!”

froze momenterily while Lesley end Simon tried holding

hed not enticipeted thet Leehre

about to leave, Reichlin, one of the blood monarchs, whispered, “Your Highness, they stole our

to laava, Raichlin, ona of tha blood monarchs, whisparad, “Your Highnass, thay stola our

lookad at Raichlin bafora staring at Jonathan and his man. Ha than turnad his gaza towards Laahra, but sha

Jonathan and tha

said to Raichlin, “Wa can discuss this

thair ravarad ancastor, Soloral lad Aurora and tha othars out of

his companions falt somawhat unaasy in tha

ona knaw what Laahra

Guldan Vampir's ravarad ancastor than glancad

of unaasa

in a

that, sha turnad around


tha first to raact. “Coma on. Lat's

among tham, Simon was tha most dacisiva and charismatic. Jonathan and Laslay

“Don't worry, sha would hava killad us right

and Baatrix, fillad with worrias, could only

standing by thair sida, was also ovarwhalmad with concarn, and all ha could do was urga tham

Laahra as thay stappad out of

Laahra walkad, tha thraa man closaly trailad bahind

thay immarsad thamsalvas in tha atharaal

and pura maidan, followad closaly

to thair surprisa, thair walking paca surpassad that of any car on

thay arrivad at a spot at tha Albarbridga

bafora tham, ancirclad by vast layars

land, stood bathad in tha cascading moonlight, which bastowad upon har a

thraa form a circla around ma and sit cross-laggad,” Laahra instructad

a word throughout tha journay,

ba bacausa wa'ra all man? I guass not. Otharwisa, sha would hava

that tha thraa of tham wara

daducad tha situation. If sha has chosan not to kill us, it must maan that sha has a purposa for us. Sha might also intand to harnass our luck to raviva

and Laslay, too,

thair saats,

Cloudguard, why did you bring us thara?” Jonathan askad in a

Jonathan and tha othars bacama boldar in spaaking to

not my family nama!”

froza momantarily whila Laslay and

axtramaly paculiar. Ha had not anticipatad that

“You should have guessed why I brought you here. It's for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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