Chapter 407 Declaration Of Loyalty

The core members of vampire leadership were the prince, duke, marquis, and viscount, in descending order of seniority.

There were ten princes in total at present. Other than Solorel, the other princes did not condense divine mana and were sent away to different places to make a life of their own. In other words, those places were considered their personal fiefdoms.

All in all, there were ten princes, four dukes, eight marquises, and thirty-six viscounts.

Solorel had groomed eight marquises and elevated their combat force to phenomenally high levels. Hence, with the eight marquises, Aurora, and Walrion by his side, there was nothing for the prince to worry about.

The only concern he had was Anakin's return from the Lost Ruins.

Of course, that was a story for another time.

At this very moment, everyone had settled down in the meeting room.

Jonathan was seated at the head of the table, for he wielded absolute authority. Initially, he offered Solorel the seat, but the latter turned it down.

Thereafter, everyone took their seats according to their seniority. Those present were Solorel, Aurora, Yeverie, Walrion, and the eight marquises.

All of them were largely familiar faces to each other. At the very least, Jonathan recognized Aurora, Yeverie, Walrion, and four of the marquises.

Still, even though the four marquises knew Jonathan, the history they had with him was anything but pleasant.

Right then, the meeting officially commenced.

Solorel kicked it off with a solemn voice. “Since all of us are on the same side, I'll just cut to the chase. I want all of you to understand that my sentiments are the same as our revered ancestor, Leahra. I don't expect any of you to be filthy rich or wildly successful. My hope for you is that you live a good life.”

Clueless at what Solorel was trying to convey, the crowd gave him a quizzical look.

“Few of you know that the Great Tribulation is already upon us, and Gulden Vampir is going through it now.” After a brief pause, he added, “Now, let me first explain what is the Great Tribulation.”

Thereafter, Solorel related the meaning behind the event.

Jonathan listened intently, as that was the only thing he could do for now. He understood very well why the prince was spending time providing context to everyone. The latter was trying to ensure everyone knew why they had to obey Jonathan. Only then would they be wholly won over.

After elaborating on what the Great Tribulation was, Solorel explained further, “Leahra was our revered ancestor and always had our best interest at heart. She had chosen Mr. Lawson to be our king because only he can help us survive the Great Tribulation. That said, I'm sure all of you are curious as to why only he can do it when his capabilities don't seem particularly impressive, am I right?”

The audience's silence was an implicit acknowledgment of his assumption.

is simple. Mr. Lawson is the Chosen One who possesses the

Chosen One?” asked one of the

group of people to eradicate monsters and demons

of the vampire race, Solorel managed to understand the

if he made the news public, not everyone

the matter to other vampires and only told his

who knew Solorel best and believed

Solorel went on, “The reason I've gathered all of you here is for you to swear your allegiance to His Majesty. I know that all of you will obey me unconditionally while I'm still around—that is an undeniable fact. It's precisely for that reason I want your absolute compliance toward His Majesty. Our revered ancestor had foretold that I won't be able to survive the Great Tribulation. Therefore, I've gathered you guys here to promise me that you'd

he asked, “Prince Solorel, why are you saying that you won't survive the Great

the vampire marquises, Pike interjected, “Exactly, Your Highness. We will naturally pledge our loyalty to His Majesty. There's no need for you to scare

marquis chimed in, “If you're no longer around, who is going to keep the other princes in their place? Everyone now knows that our revered

Solorel gestured for the crowd to calm


That thought alone panicked him, for Solorel's absence would turn ruling the vampire race into a hot potato.

can foresee many behaving impulsively after my death.

honor your legacy after you're gone. I swear my loyalty to His

Walrion, too, came forward

the rest of the

that was

when he announced that his

who also had a heart, Jonathan couldn't escape the sense of

the end, Solorel turned to him and asked, “Your Majesty, do you

Solorel have chosen me to carry this burden, I, Jonathan Lawson, swear that I'll ensure the safety of the vampire

his oath,

welling up in his eyes, Solorel expressed his gratitude

moist as they were infected by Solorel's heartfelt emotions, for it felt

Jonathan had unreservedly stepped up to the plate despite knowing how difficult the path ahead was had

the meeting ended

and Solorel stayed behind once

you mean when you said your days were

into a faint smile. “Are you

what you say is true, it can only mean that you'll be killed by Anakin, the only person capable of doing so. In such a scenario, none of us, including all the marquises, are capable

truly are an extraordinary person for deducing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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