Chapter 421 Infiltrating Heavenly Cave

Carrying Mauve on his back, Simon arrived at Heavenly Village. He approached the first hut without a moment's hesitation. The hut looked old, and its main door was in a tattered condition. One could clearly see how tough it was to live around the area.

A short while after Simon knocked on the door, the voice of a Marlingtonian rang out. “Who is it?”

The Marlingtonian's heavy accent was difficult to understand. Nonetheless, it wasn't difficult for Simon to guess what he was saying. With a grim voice, Simon explained, “I'm an outsider who has been poisoned by parasites. I'm here to see Marlington King for a cure.”

After Simon had spoken, a brief silence ensued before the door to the hut opened.

A thin middle-aged man emerged, looking unassuming in the grey shirt he wore. Nevertheless, the man seemed to possess decent spiritual energy. After he gave Simon and Mauve a glance, the tension on his face eased. It was clear to him that the two had not come with ill intentions.

Thereafter, he said, “Come on in.”

Simon nodded in response.

Mauve, who was sprawled on Simon's back, expressed her gratitude at once. “Thank you, mister!”

However, the man didn't say another word.

Upon entering the house, Simon put Mauve down on a chair. The hut's spartan interior came as a shock to the city-dwelling Mauve.

I can't believe such terrible living conditions still exist in the world.

“Have you been poisoned by a parasite?” asked the man after he gave Simon a glance.

The latter nodded accordingly.

The man continued, “Marlington King will not easily agree to treat anyone from outside the village. Anyway, I'm just an ordinary resident of Heavenly Village and not a member of Heavenly Cave. Let me examine your condition first. If I can't cure you, I'll then take you to Heavenly Cave. That said, there's nothing more I can do if Marlington King refuses to help you.”

“Thank you, mister,” Mauve said gratefully.

The man subsequently took Simon's pulse. After a long while, his expression drastically changed, giving Mauve a shock.

She asked, “What is it, mister?”

The man gave Mauve a look. “I understand now.” He then turned his attention to Simon and continued, “The poison is inside you because you sucked it out of her blood, isn't it?”

Simon nodded to confirm.

“It makes sense now. As someone who isn't married, this young girl possesses the purest form of negative energy which coincidentally nourishes the golden silkworm. After you sucked it out, it was then soaked in the positive energy within you. The amalgamation of negative and positive energy allowed it to evolve into something more powerful—the golden king silkworm. The golden silkworm by itself is already a handful. Now that you have the golden king silkworm within you, I'm afraid even Marlington King might not be able to save you.”

The words caused Mauve's face to lose all color. With her eyes turning red, she sobbed, “This is all my fault, Simon.”

Simon's expression darkened at the same time. He had no intention of dying, for there was still a lot in life he wanted to do.

“Can you take me to Marlington King?” Simon asked the man.

“I have no authority to see him, but I can take you to his subordinates and get them to convey your intention to the king.”


got to his feet and

Mauve attempted to follow suit but

decision. “I must go and plead with Marlington King

her words, Simon knew that there was no stopping the determined girl. Thus, he carried her

everything you have done for us. I'm Mauve Lief and he's Simon Sandler.” After throwing Simon a glance, the man broke into

Mauve greeted at once, bringing a smile to Baryl's

behind Heavenly Village. To access it, one had to cross a long suspension

looked as if it came right out of

one to be attempted by the faint hearted. The moment one took a

took a gentle step forward. Without saying a word, Simon followed with Mauve on his back. Every step he took

if you're scared,”

time, he wondered why he cared so

Simon's frosty tone. Thus, the special concern he showed wasn't lost

not afraid!” she replied softly in Simon's ear. “As long as

him to blush and snap with a frown, “Keep your distance from

teased, “Are you feeling shy,

was all he responded

of them

before them was a huge entrance to a cave with the words “Heavenly

disciples standing guard on both

approaching, one of them barked, “Baryl, what are

have a special patient here with me. There's a

they get for trying to trespass on Marlington. They deserve it entirely. Besides, his

let us see Marlington King. Otherwise, my friend is going to die,” Mauve begged, with tears dropping like rain. The

so Mauve's pleas simply fell on deaf

a choice, Mauve attempted to drop to her knees but was pulled back up by Simon

and demanded,

what we just said?”

Simon grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off

roared, “Insolence!” Immediately after, he unleashed a punch toward

slammed a kick into him, sending him

threw the guard he was holding to the ground

glowered at Simon before turning around

a grim look descended upon Baryl's

quickly noticed it and apologized, “I'm sorry.” Despite his frosty demeanor, he was still a reasonable person. Hence,

two of its disciples beaten up, Heavenly Cave would definitely blame Baryl for the

apology didn't come easily. With that thought in mind, he eked out a wry smile. “The men of Heavenly Cave behave strangely because they have been cut off from the outside world for too long. You teaching them some manners would do them some

Marlington King refuses to save me, I will wipe Heavenly Cave clean. We might as well all die

after all, born a murderous

words left his mouth than Mauve and Baryl

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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