Chapter 428 Nightly Talks

Upon spotting the darkened look on Jonathan's countenance, Yeverie said, “We'll definitely leave this place, Your Majesty.”

Slightly stunned, Jonathan glanced at Yeverie. I can't believe she's worried I'd get discouraged. Smiling, he replied, “I believe it, too. However, I feel bad that you have to endure this suffering.”

“It's fine.” Yeverie blushed. “As long as I'm with you, I don't feel like I'm suffering, Your Majesty.”

Jonathan chuckled.

Neither of them could figure out what the situation was in the snowfield.

Jonathan wished he had a pair of wings so he could fly up high and study the land from above. It's like my eyes are blindfolded. I keep trying to clear the fog in front of me away so I can see clearly, but I can't.

The snowstorm had ceased, leaving the snowfield in eerie silence.

Sometimes, people wished for their surroundings to be quieter. Nevertheless, living in an environment devoid of sound would really scare them and drive them mad.

Therefore, neither Jonathan nor Yeverie could sleep.

Most of the time, they would pretend to slumber but couldn't resist opening their eyes eventually. There were also a few times, they even caught each other staring.

They found those instances hilarious and eventually opted not to sleep at all.

“Let's chat a little,” suggested Jonathan.

“Sure.” Yeverie nodded.

“Where are you from, Yeverie? I've never heard you mention your parents before.”

before answering, “My father is a foreigner while my mother is a local. However, both of them are vampires. I grew up in Eastsummer, but I never


but ask, “Do you hate

holding on to that resentment. Back then, our people invaded another land, so it was their fault that they were killed. I despised

“I was worried you

Your Majesty.” Blushing, she

his lips curved

Majesty? I know

by my master, you see. It's not


he took in a deep breath and uttered, “It's a long story. To make it short, I was a cursed child, and my father murdered my mother. He would've killed me too if he didn't

be? Aren't parents supposed to love their children? Isn't there

longer, Jonathan shifted his sight away. “Let's talk about

didn't continue the topic as she was aware he still hadn't made peace with the

before Jonathan changed the subject because he didn't want the atmosphere to turn awkward. “Oh, yeah. There's one thing I'm

it?” Yeverie

Jonathan. After all, there are less than four hundred vampires still alive.

scratched her head. Then, she answered, “Our numbers have decreased over the years, especially after Eastern Invasion. We survived because we were young and didn't participate in it. Vampires have a powerful life force. Hence, we can live for a very long time. However, our people keep dying during incidents like the invasion and maybe during the upcoming Great Tribulation. According to our history, there were

example, tigers, leopards, polar bears, and even dinosaurs. They're all mighty creatures, yet they face extinction, even more so for dinosaurs since they all died out very early on. In contrast, planktonic microorganisms have been thriving. Humans have survived not because they're powerful but because they're intelligent. That's their strength. Still, humans die easily. Just a change in weather will be enough to kill them. Nothing in human history has stopped humans from causing more deaths. Vampires did the same

he asked, “Did Leahra set

born from this union are pure vampires, while others are pure humans. However, no half-vampire half-human has ever existed. Typically, only a

me of the time when I watched a television program about my country's history. I always thought those kings were a joke. Now that I think about it, I think I'm a joke, too. However, I'm not like them. I'll definitely return there with allies to slay Anakin and snatch back my rightful throne. The vampire society is my

to think about the problem anymore. Whenever

“Do you think vampires will survive the Great Tribulation, Your Majesty? Will our

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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