Chapter 430 Passionate Moment

The weather remained bitterly cold.

The surroundings were blanketed in an endless expanse of white snow, devoid of any trace or footprint, not even those left by animals.

There were no birds flying in the sky. It felt as if this place had been forsaken by the heavens.

Jonathan and Yeverie moved on, their footsteps faltering as they trudged through the snow.

The number of blood bags was running perilously low. After three arduous days of walking, they remained trapped in the boundless snow, seemingly unable to escape its icy grip.

Despair began to creep in as it felt as though they would never find a way out.

To make matters worse, their blood bags had run dry.

Their only option was to drink melted snow for sustenance.

If Jonathan and Yeverie couldn't find food or a way out, they could potentially starve to death. Even the most skilled martial artist needed food to survive. Without it, their bodies would waste away with their strength fading.

Fortunately, Jonathan and Yeverie possessed unmatched resilience, enduring hardships that would shatter the resolve of others.

One fateful night, they stumbled upon a cave nestled within the snowy landscape.

Their hearts leaped with joy as they entered the cavern.

The cave floor was ice, and the smooth walls surrounding them emanated a bone-chilling cold.

Despite the harsh environment, Jonathan and Yeverie were relieved to find the cave.

They spent the night nestled together, finding solace and support in each other's presence.

Having braved the treacherous path together, they had long shed their inhibitions and relied on each other for survival.

The next morning, Jonathan and Yeverie were drawn by the sun's rays piercing through the cave's entrance.

"Is that sunlight?" Yeverie's face flushed with excitement.

For days, they had only known a bleak and overcast sky.

It was a joy to witness the long-lost sun shining upon them.

When the duo stepped out of the cave, they were met with a breathtaking sight surpassing anything they had ever seen.

It was the legendary aurora borealis! According to legends, this spectacular scene was reserved for those who braved the icy realms.

Yes, it was the aurora borealis.

It was the most exquisite light that Jonathan and Yeverie had ever witnessed. The dancing lights painted the heavens with a kaleidoscope of colors, ranging from ethereal greens to vibrant reds. The display resembled ribbons, fireworks, bows, and curtains, each moment transforming into a mesmerizing new form. The entire sky seemed to come alive, displaying an ever-changing masterpiece of nature's brilliant creation.

The scenery was more dazzling than the sparkling stars and the brightest lights. Jonathan and Yeverie were completely captivated by its beauty.

In the days leading up to this moment, both of them had been plagued by feelings of disappointment. But in this instance, their spirits soared, for the sight before them was a rare and extraordinary experience. It was a glimpse of sheer magnificence amidst their toils and hardships.

Some people would spend an entire night climbing Mount Goliath just to witness a fleeting minute of sunrise.

Humans constantly seek out moments of beauty in their life, and this was one such moment.

persisted for a few precious minutes before gradually fading away, leaving behind a gentle dawn

continued with their journey. In the days that followed, they encountered vast icy plains stretching for miles and

traversed treacherous slopes and scaled formidable peaks. In fact, they soon

journeyed, they found no traces or

slipped by swiftly, and soon

twenty days since Jonathan and Yeverie set foot in this

bags for survival. But for the following fifteen days, their only source of sustenance was

lack of proper nourishment, took a toll on

raging fever, weakened

her body weakened, the biting cold of the external environment seeped into her, intensifying her

his abilities through dedicated cultivation. While he also received assistance from elixir pills later on, his well-established foundation

to withstand the hardships with greater

persevere, a sense of powerlessness gradually

exhaustion, Jonathan couldn't afford to stop and

treacherous land seemed impervious to pleas

out of the question, as it would only pave the way

Jonathan did not allow Yeverie to rest in the snow. Her vulnerable condition rendered her surrender to the

into a source of warmth for Yeverie. Even though the pain he had to endure was excruciating, he

sought shelter beneath a mountain ledge. Next, he carefully removed Yeverie's outer garments and enfolded her in his arms, their bare skin intimately pressed together. The yellow robe shielded them against the

dressed in nothing but a purple undergarment, lay against Jonathan's chest, her fair skin contrasting

carried an air of intimacy,

purpose of hugging her

is this

they had taken the wrong direction,

another twenty days of travel. Neither he nor Yeverie could endure that long journey again. In fact, Yeverie in particular,

time passed, Yeverie's

had no other choice but to place

night, a

adorned with thickened clouds. Amidst this darkened backdrop, feather-like

out of consciousness. In her hazy state, she felt

she suddenly jolted awake, she caught sight of Jonathan slicing his wrist and

"Your Majesty," Yeverie uttered.

Just drink,"

up in Yeverie's eyes, tracing a

moment, her heart was filled with unwavering trust

any perilous encounters in the past twenty days, it was a period marked by

his blood to Yeverie. Consequently, his own physical condition had significantly deteriorated, although he remained in better shape compared to Yeverie. Yeverie's life hung in

he began to feel dizzy and

to cease the

happening. His wound could not stop bleeding. It was a clear indication that

his wound would quickly form a scab once the bleeding

could only stop the bleeding after taking a deep breath. He

fresh blood, Yeverie

tightly in his embrace throughout

sensed a remarkable improvement in her physical condition. However, she

seemed that he

Majesty?" she called out in


turned to look at Yeverie, he saw color

fever subsided?" Jonathan asked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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