Chapter 433 Recovery

Jonathan took the compass and asked Torrence curiously, “This is the exiled land, where not a single blade of grass grows. Where are you heading? If you're returning to Paradiso, why don't we travel together?”

Torrence shot Jonathan an indifferent glance and replied, “I have my own plans.”

However, he did not want to reveal much.

Seeing how resolute he was, Jonathan stopped pushing him. Then, he said, “We're thirty-eight thousand miles away from Paradiso. With my current physical condition, it is impossible for me to reach there. Besides, we have no more food.” After a pause, he went on, “The fact that you can come all the way here and survive here shows that you know where to get food around here. Am I right?”

Torrence nodded. “There are things that reinforce and counteract each other everywhere, so of course, there's food around here. You can pay attention to the surrounding. The black fruit I gave you earlier is called snowberry. You just need to observe the snow-covered ground. If there is black sap seeping through the ground, it means that there is snowberry underneath. The snowberry is rich in nutrition, juicy and sweet. It should be able to help you survive.”

Realization dawned on Jonathan. “Thank you.”

Taking a glance at Jonathan, Torrence said, “I'm leaving. Good luck!” With that, he turned around and left the cave.

Then, he strode off in a carefree manner.

As Jonathan watched Torrence leave, he began to make speculation about the latter. Why did he come to this snowy tundra alone? Why is he going into the depths of the tundra? Does he want to see the imprisoned Demon Dragon?

Jonathan shook his head. Forget it. I can't care about that much anymore. Torrence must have his reasons and the capabilities to have ventured here all alone. I should just focus on this tricky situation I'm in now.”

Afterward, he turned around to go up to Yeverie.

Yeverie was sleeping soundly in the warm sleeping bag. She had eaten snowberry earlier, so her vitality recovered a lot.

As she had reached the first level of the Divine Master realm, the recovery rate of her body was high. Her body and essence were repairing rapidly in the warm environment.

However, she was still unconscious. She still needed more snowberries.

Jonathan decided to look for more snowberries as he was no longer worried about Yeverie's safety. After they ate enough snowberries and restored their body to their original state, they could continue heading to Paradiso.

Thirty-eight thousand miles might sound like an extremely long distance, but Jonathan and Yeverie would be able to reach Paradiso in less than two months if they were in their prime.

In short, it was rather time-consuming.

The only thing that made Jonathan feel relieved was that there was nothing in the boundless universe that he was too worried about.

Now that Catherine has Divine Emperor as her master, I don't need to worry about her.

His heart ached at the thought of Catherine. What kind of humiliation did Catherine suffer that night that made a person who has no desires like her ask to be Divine Emperor's disciple? She said that she doesn't need me to protect her and that she'll protect herself and me in the future. How hopeless she must be feeling.

Every time Jonathan thought about it, he hated his own weakness and incompetence.

Taking a deep breath, he ignored the pessimism in his head because it was not the time for him to be pessimistic.

He was not too worried about Jennifer and the others either because he believed that Ignatius would not dare to act rashly anymore after what happened to Catherine.

Jonathan rose to his feet, still feeling weak. Yet, he knew that he could not continue waiting like that and decided to look for snowberries out there.

Only by finding snowberries could he and Yeverie survive after consuming them.

It was ten o'clock in the morning.

a deep breath and exited the

like he had entered hell the moment he walked

was not snowing outside,

face like a knife blade, making

his teeth, he bit himself hard so that he could stay

of stimulation was somewhat effective as he regained a bit of energy.

snowberry was not something that could be found anywhere. Jonathan had walked

wind and snowfall were so heavy that Jonathan was buried in a snowdrift several times. He was extremely exhausted. Countless voices in his head were


fell asleep in the snow for a while. Suddenly,

of his nose

like taking certain drugs to

blood stained the snow. He scooped the snow into his hands and shoved it into

felt that his

continued to search

an area stained with black liquid ten meters

strange sap. Even if there was a snowdrift, the vines

it would be really hard for people to

went up to dig

he managed to remove the snow cover, only to find the frozen soil

not difficult if his strength had recovered, but it was

an idea popped into his head, he

all his strength, he finally managed to make a crack

the Dragon Binding Gloves and began to dig three feet

the ground, but he knew that he would succeed soon. He remained confident as he had Dragon Binding Gloves with

feet into the ground before he finally found the

the vines out. On second thoughts, he realized that snowberry could

as he dug out

hard-won snowberries in his arms, he

away Dragon Binding Gloves, peeled

of the three snowberries was tender and juicy. After consuming them, Jonathan felt a wave of warmth surging through every inch of his body and

moment, he was suffering from nutritional deficiencies He was so hungry he

just enough to quench

snowberries were not enough for

not satisfying for

not continue to eat more as

his physical strength and spirit

stood up and

was covered with a blanket of snow, it was easy for one

Jonathan had the compass that Torrence left him, so he did not

for a while, he was pleasantly surprised to find an area with a large puddle of black

discharged by

be at least thirty snowberries in the

began to dance

him more strength. He stepped forward to remove

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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