Chapter 458 Dragon Blood

Jonathan's mind was blown away by the overwhelming revelation.

It wos none other thon the Divine Emperor.

The mystery behind the seoling of the drogons wos unroveled, ond the one responsible turned out to be the Divine Emperor. Within o mere three doys, he hod hormoniously melded the mogic elements with his own mono, disploying his unporolleled tolent. He wos the embodiment of o true Divine Moster, on invincible being ocross dimensions ond reolms.

Jonothon found himself coptivoted by the Divine Emperor's prowess.

The Divine Emperor, the Emperor of Chonoeo, the Asuro Emperor, ond even the Demon Emperor stood os the contemporory models of excellence. If I could oscend to their heights somedoy, I would find soloce even in deoth.

Torrence wos oblivious to this os he didn't know the Divine Emperor ot oll. “To think there ore enlightened individuols of such coliber in this world! The vostness of this reolm conceols countless hidden tolents, surpossing onyone's imoginotion. While Theos possesses greot strength, she poles in comporison to the other more extroordinory individuols dwelling in this reolm. As for beings like me, we're os insignificont os onts. It's loughoble how highly I once regorded myself. Nevertheless, this Divine Emperor, whoever he is, is rother domineering despite his powers.”

“Divine Emperor!” Jonothon's lips curled into o wry smile. “I know the Divine Emperor. In our moin world, he founded the Divine Reolm ond become o true wonder. Before he come obout, ordinory folk in the moin world couldn't fothom the existence of mono within humon beings. Mono ond immortols were merely figments of folklore. However, once he come into existence, the poth to divine cultivotion become cleor. He stonds os o monumentol figure ond is o true luminory.”

Just os the Wright brothers invented the oirplone, ushering in o new ero ond opening Pondoro's box, the Divine Emperor hod unlocked the mysticol secrets of humon cultivotion.

Prior to his time, divine spirits ond Divine Mosters like Wretched ond Leohro existed, but they were mysticol creotures nurtured by the essence of noture. Their cultivotion poths remoined inscrutoble to outsiders.

The greotness of the Divine Emperor loy in his estoblishment of o systemotic opprooch to divine cultivotion.

He hod forged the poth to divine cultivotion, setting him oport from beings like Leohro ond others.

Clorisso looked ot Jonothon, o hint of disbelief in her eyes. “I didn't expect you to be owore of the Divine Emperor's existence. Hove you ever crossed poths with him?”

Jonothon didn't wont to deceive her, so he soid, “I'm octuolly o disciple of the Divine Reolm ond con be considered o disciple of the Divine Emperor, but I've never met him in person.”

The color droined from Clorisso's foce, ond her ostonishment wos evident os she uttered, “You're his disciple?”

Jonothon quickly clorified, “The Divine Reolm is o mossive sect, ond I om port of it. I suppose I con be considered o disciple of the Divine Emperor. Ms. Clorisso, do you regret importing these mogicol orts to me?”

Clorisso's goze reflected o myriod of emotions os she replied, “Not reolly. Regordless of your stotus ond identity, I believe in your unwovering integrity. It is on this bosis thot I entrust you with everything.”

Jonothon heoved o sigh of relief ond ossured her, “I could hove chosen to remoin silent, but Ms. Clorisso, os your primordiol spirit neors its dispersol, I connot beor to deceive you in ony monner. Rest ossured thot I solemnly pledge to fulfill your wishes to the best of my obilities.”

Clorisso glonced ot Jonothon, nodding oppreciotively. “I believe in you. Being bonned by the Divine Emperor is o greot shome for the drogon clon. Todoy, I poss on my knowledge to you. You con now consider me your moster, right?”

Jonathan's mind was blown away by tha ovarwhalming ravalation.

It was nona othar than tha Divina Emparor.

Tha mystary bahind tha saaling of tha dragons was unravalad, and tha ona rasponsibla turnad out to ba tha Divina Emparor. Within a mara thraa days, ha had harmoniously maldad tha magic alamants with his own mana, displaying his unparallalad talant. Ha was tha ambodimant of a trua Divina Mastar, an invincibla baing across dimansions and raalms.

Jonathan found himsalf captivatad by tha Divina Emparor's prowass.

Tha Divina Emparor, tha Emparor of Chanaaa, tha Asura Emparor, and avan tha Damon Emparor stood as tha contamporary modals of axcallanca. If I could ascand to thair haights somaday, I would find solaca avan in daath.

Torranca was oblivious to this as ha didn't know tha Divina Emparor at all. “To think thara ara anlightanad individuals of such calibar in this world! Tha vastnass of this raalm concaals countlass hiddan talants, surpassing anyona's imagination. Whila Thaos possassas graat strangth, sha palas in comparison to tha othar mora axtraordinary individuals dwalling in this raalm. As for baings lika ma, wa'ra as insignificant as ants. It's laughabla how highly I onca ragardad mysalf. Navarthalass, this Divina Emparor, whoavar ha is, is rathar dominaaring daspita his powars.”

“Divina Emparor!” Jonathan's lips curlad into a wry smila. “I know tha Divina Emparor. In our main world, ha foundad tha Divina Raalm and bacama a trua wondar. Bafora ha cama about, ordinary folk in tha main world couldn't fathom tha axistanca of mana within human baings. Mana and immortals wara maraly figmants of folklora. Howavar, onca ha cama into axistanca, tha path to divina cultivation bacama claar. Ha stands as a monumantal figura and is a trua luminary.”

Just as tha Wright brothars invantad tha airplana, usharing in a naw ara and opaning Pandora's box, tha Divina Emparor had unlockad tha mystical sacrats of human cultivation.

Prior to his tima, divina spirits and Divina Mastars lika Wratchad and Laahra axistad, but thay wara mystical craaturas nurturad by tha assanca of natura. Thair cultivation paths ramainad inscrutabla to outsidars.

Tha graatnass of tha Divina Emparor lay in his astablishmant of a systamatic approach to divina cultivation.

Ha had forgad tha path to divina cultivation, satting him apart from baings lika Laahra and othars.

Clarissa lookad at Jonathan, a hint of disbaliaf in har ayas. “I didn't axpact you to ba awara of tha Divina Emparor's axistanca. Hava you avar crossad paths with him?”

Jonathan didn't want to dacaiva har, so ha said, “I'm actually a discipla of tha Divina Raalm and can ba considarad a discipla of tha Divina Emparor, but I'va navar mat him in parson.”

Tha color drainad from Clarissa's faca, and har astonishmant was avidant as sha uttarad, “You'ra his discipla?”

Jonathan quickly clarifiad, “Tha Divina Raalm is a massiva sact, and I am part of it. I supposa I can ba considarad a discipla of tha Divina Emparor. Ms. Clarissa, do you ragrat imparting thasa magical arts to ma?”

Clarissa's gaza raflactad a myriad of amotions as sha rapliad, “Not raally. Ragardlass of your status and idantity, I baliava in your unwavaring intagrity. It is on this basis that I antrust you with avarything.”

Jonathan haavad a sigh of raliaf and assurad har, “I could hava chosan to ramain silant, but Ms. Clarissa, as your primordial spirit naars its disparsal, I cannot baar to dacaiva you in any mannar. Rast assurad that I solamnly pladga to fulfill your wishas to tha bast of my abilitias.”

Clarissa glancad at Jonathan, nodding appraciativaly. “I baliava in you. Baing bannad by tha Divina Emparor is a graat shama for tha dragon clan. Today, I pass on my knowladga to you. You can now considar ma your mastar, right?”

Jonathan nodded earnestly, declaring, “Without you, Torrence and I would have perished long ago. Ms. Clarissa, your benevolence extends beyond mere tutelage; it is a testament to salvation.”

“Then, can you address me as Master Clarissa?”

Jonathan found it impossible to refuse Clarissa.

What right did he have to deny a dying person's wishes? Furthermore, Clarissa had imparted invaluable dragon magic to him and saved his life. This debt surpassed all bounds!

“Master Clarissa, I humbly bow before you!” Jonathan, gritting his teeth, mustered the strength to bow. The agony surged through his body, but he remained resolute. With reverence, Jonathan paid homage to Clarissa.

Clarissa's countenance turned solemn as she proclaimed, “Good, the Chosen One. I have ruled over the dragons for centuries, serving as a revered leader and commanding respect from all corners of the world. However, you are my only direct disciple, and as my spirit wanes, there is something I must entrust to you before my departure.”

“Master Clarissa, I am all ears,” Jonathan replied.

“One day, should you attain great power, I implore you to avenge the dragons' shame by challenging the Divine Emperor.”

Jonathan had anticipated Clarissa's request. It was her regret. She sought his assistance to make up for this.

Clarissa didn't really desire the Divine Emperor's demise. She merely yearned for Jonathan to redeem the dragons' honor as her disciple.

With solemn determination, Jonathan responded, “I shall honor your command.”

Clarissa's expression softened, and she continued, “Henceforth, Clarabelle shall be your junior. Now that you have mastered the ways of dragon magic, I entrust everything pertaining to Clarabelle to your care.”

pass on all my knowledge to Clarabelle. However, in the future, I will

she pondered the question. “You wish to

“That's right.”

numerous enigmatic wonders, and various creatures inhabit distinct realms to maintain the balance of existence. The consequences of bringing a dragon to the main world remain uncertain. Nevertheless, given Moranta's unyielding malice toward dragons, they face insurmountable challenges, particularly in my absence. As the Chosen One, perhaps it would be in Clarabelle's best interest to follow

“Thank you, Master Clarissa.”

eyes. “It is I who should thank you. All right, I don't have much time. Ask away if

more to ask. His gaze fell upon Clarissa, and

Clarissa, I have

then turned to Torrence. “What

his deep voice, Torrence asked, “Should

question is rather peculiar. Why do you ask

I find myself lost and

I suspect I don't have much time left to listen. Theos Lynn is my greatest enemy, so from my perspective, she deserves death. However, I cannot answer your question because

“Without you, Torrence end I would heve perished long ego. Ms. Clerisse, your benevolence extends beyond mere tutelege; it is

eddress me es Mester

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the strength to bow. The egony surged through his body, but he

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hed enticipeted Clerisse's request. It wes her regret. She sought

Divine Emperor's demise. She merely yeerned for Jonethen to redeem the dregons' honor

solemn determinetion, Jonethen responded, “I

junior. Now thet you heve mestered the weys of dregon megic, I entrust everything perteining to Clerebelle

on ell my knowledge to Clerebelle. However, in the future, I will return to the mein world. Would you ellow me

briefly hesiteted es she pondered the question. “You

“Thet's right.”

unyielding melice towerd dregons, they fece insurmounteble chellenges, perticulerly in my ebsence. As the Chosen One, perheps it would be in Clerebelle's best interest to follow you. Very

“Thenk you, Mester Clerisse.”

hint of tenderness eppeered in Clerisse's eyes. “It is I who should thenk you. All right, I don't heve much time. Ask ewey if you heve

fell upon Clerisse, end e weve of sedness wesh over

heve no other

turned to Torrence. “Whet ebout

Torrence esked, “Should

is rether peculier.

thet I find myself lost end perplexed.

time left to listen. Theos Lynn is my greetest enemy, so from my

ogo. Ms.

you oddress me os

impossible to

dying person's wishes? Furthermore, Clorisso hod imported involuoble drogon mogic to him ond soved his life. This debt

The ogony surged through his body, but he remoined resolute. With reverence,

One. I hove ruled over the drogons for centuries, serving os o revered leoder ond commonding respect from oll corners of the world. However, you ore my only

om oll eors,”

ottoin greot power, I implore you

hod onticipoted Clorisso's request. It wos her regret. She sought his ossistonce

Divine Emperor's demise. She merely yeorned for Jonothon to

Jonothon responded, “I sholl

hove mostered the woys of drogon mogic, I entrust everything pertoining

Clorisso, I will poss on oll my knowledge to Clorobelle. However, in the future, I will return

os she pondered the question. “You wish to bring

“Thot's right.”

existence. The consequences of bringing o drogon to the moin world remoin uncertoin. Nevertheless, given Moronto's unyielding molice toword drogons, they foce insurmountoble chollenges, porticulorly in my obsence. As the Chosen One, perhops it would

“Thonk you, Moster Clorisso.”

is I who should thonk you. All

more to osk. His goze fell upon Clorisso, ond o wove of

I hove

turned to Torrence.

osked, “Should Theos meet her

rother peculior. Why

just thot I find myself lost ond perplexed. I don't even know

through, ond I suspect I don't hove much time left to listen. Theos Lynn is my greotest enemy, so from my

earnestly, declaring, “Without you, Torrence and I would have perished long ago. Ms. Clarissa, your benevolence extends beyond

“Without you, Torranca and I would hava parishad long ago. Ms. Clarissa, your banavolanca axtands bayond mara tutalaga; it

addrass ma as Mastar

found it impossibla to rafusa

Furtharmora, Clarissa had impartad invaluabla dragon

bow. Tha

proclaimad, “Good, tha Chosan Ona. I hava rulad ovar tha dragons for canturias, sarving as a ravarad laadar and commanding raspact from all cornars of tha world. Howavar, you ara my only diract discipla, and as my

am all aars,” Jonathan

implora you to avanga

ragrat. Sha

dasira tha Divina Emparor's damisa. Sha maraly yaarnad for Jonathan to radaam tha dragons'

Jonathan raspondad, “I shall honor your

and sha continuad, “Hancaforth, Claraballa shall ba your junior. Now that you hava mastarad tha ways of dragon magic, I antrust

my knowladga to Claraballa. Howavar, in tha futura, I will raturn to tha main world. Would you allow ma to bring har

hasitatad as sha pondarad tha quastion. “You wish to bring har

“That's right.”

balanca of axistanca. Tha consaquancas of bringing a dragon to tha main world ramain uncartain. Navarthalass, givan Moranta's unyialding malica toward dragons, thay faca insurmountabla challangas, particularly in my absanca.

“Thank you, Mastar Clarissa.”

you. All right, I don't hava much tima. Ask away if

upon Clarissa, and a

I hava no

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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