Chapter 293

Flynn slapped the tattooed man hard on the back of his head. “Get your ass down and apologize to her!”

The tattooed man’s head buzzed loudly, partly because Flynn hit him too hard and partly because he couldn’t believe what Flynn was saying.

“Are you deaf or what? Get down on your knees!” Flynn slapped the back of the tattooed man’s head again.

It was even harder this time because Flynn was getting anxious, fearing he might get implicated.

“Ouch!” The tattooed man held the back of his head in pain, grimacing and howling.

“If you don’t kneel again, I’ll break your legs!” Flynn was sweating profusely with


Although the tattooed man didn’t know what was happening, given the current situation, he had no choice but to kneel to Bonnie.

Flynn approached Bonnie with a flattering tone. “Ms. Bonnie, this has nothing to do with me! I had no idea what was happening here, let alone that this jerk offended you!”

always a big shot who held his head high, so he

This is your territory. As the saying goes,‘ Like father, like son.‘ You must have been

I’m innocent!” Flynn was on the verge of tears. “Ms. Bonnie, I’ve turned over a new leaf. Really! I wouldn’t dare lie to you.

belong to my Knight family. I used to be a spoiled rich kid, always thinking I was above everyone else, able to decide others‘

I earned from running

Chapter 293

can have my cousin check. I won’t

as she watched Flynn, who was


cousin. Even if Ivor was pursuing Bonnie,

wondered if there had been some unknown events between them, leading to Flynn’s fear of

it, the more

profile, her intuition telling her that Bonnie would bring her even more surprises

and what he said is true,” Jim walked out

stunned again. “Mr. Jim, what are you

is Ms. Bonita’s bodyguard. If he’s not here, where else

said, Bonnie naturally believed.

home is priceless. Since you’re willing to start anew, I’ll give you this chance for the sake of Sigmund.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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