Chapter 303

Okay, I’ll remember to take the new medicine according to your instructions.” Pant promised, his tone reminiscent of a child’s.

Avril leaned toward Flynn and whispered, “Do you find anything funny about the way they talk to each other?”

She was unsure if she had misheard, but Pan addressed Bonnie a little too respectfully. Avril even wondered if it were some tradition among the Jocrovanians.

“Is it possible they’re just this well–mannered?”

However, Flynn’s answer had nothing to do with Avril’s question. He whispered back, Bonnie has medical knowledge? It sounds like she’s excellent at it, too.”

Avril rolled her eyes at him again.

“Of course, she’s excellent at it! She’s the fabled miracle doctor. I would tell Flynn about it if I hadn’t promised Bonnie I’d keep her identity a secret. I wish I could tell him how badass

Bonnie is.”

༢ ༠ ༤

Although the Antique Jade Appreciation Conference had nearly ended, Bonnie still had some free time. It had been a long time since she browsed through the antiques show. Now that she was in Jorcrovania, it was a perfect chance for her to do just that.

looked at the duo and asked, “Why were you two following

see what you’ll buy at the

said smilingly.

she said,” Flynn

she started browsing through the antiques.


this fine majolica. It was made in one of the five great

percent discount. You know what? I’ll make it easier for both of us. Let’s set the price at two hundred thousand dollars and call it a day. What do you

it. Then, her eyes sparkled. She

look at this, Bonnie? Do you think it’s authentic? I think it

“Are you up on your history lessons?

took Bonnie’s arm

to pay for an

dollars for that

“Hey, watch your mouth, missy! Are you looking down on it because it looks ancient? The archaeologists unearthed this. porcelain from an ancient ruin. Look at its unique, vintage craftwork. It dates

a lot. Grandpa loves this stuff. So, I’m buying it

speechless for a while. Then, she looked at Flynn and said, “You

looks ancient. I can tell by one glance

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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