Chapter 369

Trystan glanced at the petite and defenseless–looking Bonnie. He raised his chin and sad,” The same will happen to our boxing club if we lose ”

“Perfect!” Ged exclaimed. He could not wait to see the Warrior’s Way Boxing Club getting bulldozed “We have a deal!

Once Ged and Trystan agreed, Jamal looked at Bonnie and said, “Since you’re so pretty, I‘ let you take a free shot at me.”

Bonnie squinted and asked, “Are you sure?”

Jarmal smacked his chest to demonstrate how hard his pecs were. “Of course I am!”

Bone strode forward and punched his chest. He thought the punch would be soft and powerless and intended to jeer when it connected. However, he felt like he got hit by a sledgehammer.

Jamal even suspected his insides had been smashed. He let out a heart–wrenching scream as be flew out of the ring and fell to the ground. When he passed out, the whole gym fell into a pin–drop silence.

jaw dropped, and their eyes widened. Even Ged, who knew how formidable Boonie was, was so dumbfounded that he could barely

be reall

just punched a touch and burly fighner named Jamal, and he flew out of the ring. He even passed out! You should be careful around your fiancee, Ivor. She might just beat the shit out of you when you

you mean? Of course, we’ll sleep together.

not the point, buddy. I’m trying to say Bonnie might smack you into obEvion if you piss ber off”

won’t,” Ivor replied

you so

Bonnie’s picture on his laptop. His smile grew wider, and there was nothing but love in his eyes. He replied, “I’ll do everything she says and give

Chapter 369


text but did not reply. Instead, he muttered, “I think

his men to carry Jamal away as he stared at Bonnie.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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