Ivor stared at Bonnie lovingly, and she felt a warm sensation rising within her chest. It coursed through her veins and melted her heart. After finally breaking free from his affectionate approach, she said, "There are people around."

"Oh, right." Ivor rose and pulled her into a room.

Sienna was far away from them and could not see Bonnie's face. She only saw Ivor pulling Bonnie into a room and closing the door.

'This can't be happening! Ivor just took Ms. Bonita into a room without anyone noticing. I wonder if they're doing unspeakable things to each other.'

Once Sienna calmed down, she thought it could be possible. She always thought Bonita was timid and innocent. Even so, she was still a woman, and Ivor was an excellent man who could win any girl's heart. Sienna grinned and thought, 'It looks like Bonnie will lose her boyfriend soon. Hahaha!'

Bonnie to the door and kissed her passionately. She was in a daze before finally returning to her senses and pushing

Ivor stared at

puzzled. "When

said before, you're a drug I can't get enough of. My self-control goes out the window whenever I see you.

the more speechless Bonnie became. As far as she was concerned, he was a starving wolf, and she

more breathtaking than the other can't get enough of you. Ugh, I wish I could make you mine and that you'd


this time. She slipped away and said, "You forgot that I never agreed even to be your girlfriend. Maybe you should learn to quit while you're ahead. You can no longer kiss me without

I kiss you

frowned as he continued approaching. He said, "I want it now. Will you let me kiss

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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