The royal guard's voice snapped Andreas out of his daze. The latter looked at the guard and smiled bitterly, shaking his head as he said, "I'm fine. If Bonnie's here, then that's that. I think she came for a vacation. Since that's the case, I won't interrupt her."

The guard became even more confused. After all, Andreas was always enthusiastic whenever the guard brought him news of Bonnie's arrival. The prince would run as fast as possible to meet Bonnie.

The guard wondered why his prince did not want to see Bonnie this time. The former even guessed it was because of what happened between Andreas and Bonnie last time.

Andreas said, "From now on, you no longer have to tell me anything about Bonnie."

'Ivor will go wherever she is. She doesn't need me anymore.'

"As you wish, Your Highness."

Pyralis, yet you won't even welcome us at the door? Don't you think it's a little inappropriate?" 'Wait, is

Intense feelings arose in Andreas's chest when he first saw Bonnie, but

inseparable, but seeing them standing together is heartbreaking. So, this is how it feels when they say

asked, "Why aren't you saying anything? You must be so surprised and excited to see us that you can't even speak.” Andreas's

closer to make fun of him, "Shock?

when he realized Bonnie had heard his grumblings. He could only clear his throat awkwardly, not knowing

immediately. "N-Not at all! Why

I was trying

"Fine, I'll stop since you can't seem to take a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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